Jan 8, 2020
Creating a Place
Posted by Deann Daniel
Deann Daniel uses 2 Kings 1-7 to teach us about "Creating a Place." This passage of Scripture is about the woman who was told to gather jars to fill with oil. Deann points out the fact that the oil didn't stop flowing until there was no more room for it, or until there was no longer a created place for it. God will move and flow in our lives wherever we create a place for Him to. Deann encourages us to create places in our lives for God to move.
- Jan 8, 2020Creating a Place
Jan 8, 2020Creating a PlacePosted by Deann DanielDeann Daniel uses 2 Kings 1-7 to teach us about "Creating a Place." This passage of Scripture is about the woman who was told to gather jars to fill with oil. Deann points out the fact that the oil didn't stop flowing until there was no more room for it, or until there was no longer a created place for it. God will move and flow in our lives wherever we create a place for Him to. Deann encourages us to create places in our lives for God to move.
- Jan 5, 20202020 Vision Sunday
Jan 5, 20202020 Vision SundayPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley shares the 2020 vision of Christian Ministries Church by examining the creation account in Genesis. God did not put man into the world until a proper place had been created for him. In that same way, we must create a place for God and all that He has for us.
- Dec 29, 2019Rewind Sunday
Dec 29, 2019Rewind SundayPosted by Ashley EllisonChristian Ministries Academy Senior Jessica Cadle shares a powerful testimony about the importance of reflecting on what God has spoken to us individually. Pastor Ashley winds up 2019 by encouraging us to "never forget to remember" the times that God has seen us through in the past.
- Dec 15, 2019Indescribable
Dec 15, 2019IndescribablePosted by Ashley EllisonIn this message, Pastor Ashley Ellison attempts to describe the indescribable person and character of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we all know the name, “Jesus Christ”, but the impact of His life goes far beyond our imagination!
- Dec 11, 2019Symbols
Dec 11, 2019SymbolsPosted by Ashley EllisonJoin Pastor Ashley Ellison as he dives into the meaning and importance behind prominent Christmas symbols. In today's culture, there is a real need for reminding ourselves and others around us of the true reason behind the celebration of Christmas.
- Dec 9, 2019Boundaries
Dec 9, 2019BoundariesPosted by Wade FordAs Christians, we are to live inside the boundaries of God's Kingdom. Wade Ford gives us 4 reasons Christians move their boundaries, only one of which is a good reason. 1) To align ourselves with God. 2) Lack of endurance. 3) Temptations. 4) Desires. When we move our boundaries to align ourselves with God and live within His kingdom, we live blessed. When we move our boundaries for any other reason, it is to leave outside the boundaries of the Kingdom of God.
- Dec 4, 2019Endurance vs. Giving Up
Dec 4, 2019Endurance vs. Giving UpPosted by Wade FordWade Ford talks about the importance of difficult times in our lives. He shows us that James 1:3 tells us that our endurance has a chance to grow when our faith is tested, which tells us that our endurance does not have a chance to grow if our faith is not tested. If we are saved from every stressful situation, our lives are cut short and we never live out our full potential.
- Dec 1, 2019The Dividing Line Part 4
Dec 1, 2019The Dividing Line Part 4Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the final session of the Dividing Line Series, Pastor Ashley gives us three questions to ask when making decisions. 1) Will it produce good fruit? 2) Will it work in my culture? 3) Is the timing right? How we answer these questions will determine whether we live wisely as Ephesians 5 instructs. He also gives 10 vital points to consider in making wise decisions.
- Nov 27, 2019The Impact of Thanksgiving
Nov 27, 2019The Impact of ThanksgivingPosted by Chatman LaxtonChatman Laxton shares a powerful testimony of thankfulness, showing us that our gratitude is the result of a joyful heart. It is important to be thankful all the time, not just when it's easy. He shows us to look for things to be thankful for in even in the midst of trial.
- Nov 24, 2019The Dividing Line Part 3
Nov 24, 2019The Dividing Line Part 3Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison continues talking about biblical lines and wisdom lines. Some dividing lines that we make in our lives are simply based on what is wise (Ephesians 5) and not specific Scripture. He gives us 3 instances where we might feel as if we need to cross our dividing lines in order to "be somebody", but in fact, we do not. Crossing our dividing lines often results in more pain than popularity in the end.
- Nov 20, 2019Wise Thinking, Dividing Line Part 2
Nov 20, 2019Wise Thinking, Dividing Line Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonIn continuance of "The Dividing Line" Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches us that sometimes we have to draw our lines in places, not because it's a sin issue, but because it simply isn't wise. He uses Ephesians 5:15 to show us that we are to "live like wise people."
- Nov 17, 2019The Dividing Line
Nov 17, 2019The Dividing LinePosted by Ashley EllisonEveryone draws lines of acceptance and rejection in different places, but what do we base where we draw our lines off of? Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches us to look at what the Lord says about things, and not base our "dividing lines" off of other people.
- Nov 13, 2019Love and Justice Part 2 Because I Love You
Nov 13, 2019Love and Justice Part 2 Because I Love YouPosted by Melanie BertoglioAdam Jones goes deeper into the topic of compassion. He shows us that compassion cannot be present without judgement. In order to have compassion we have to be able to look at something and make a moral judgement and be moved to change it.
- Nov 10, 2019Confidence and Courage
Nov 10, 2019Confidence and CouragePosted by Melanie BertoglioIn our desire to produce self-confidence, we have created a culture of arrogance. We often think that we need more confidence when we really need courage. Courage is a byproduct of faith and confidence in God, not ourselves. In this sermon, Melanie Bertoglio uses a great example to show us the importance of trusting in God to overcome our "giants."
- Nov 6, 2019Love and Justice Part 1 Are You Judging Me?
Nov 6, 2019Love and Justice Part 1 Are You Judging Me?Posted by Adam Jones"True love doesn't exist in the absence of judgment, it only exists in the presence of it." In a culture that is always touting, "don't judge," Adam Jones teaches us what the Bible really says about making judgments. He gives us 7 important questions to ask before we make a judgment.
- Nov 3, 2019Stay
Nov 3, 2019StayPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Paul Kern talks about staying where we are planted even when the easier option is to leave. Growing often occurs in places outside of our comfort zones.
- Oct 30, 2019Are You Scared? Pt.2
Oct 30, 2019Are You Scared? Pt.2Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison gives great insight on being aware of the demonic realm around us. We are often times intrigued and entertained by demonic spirits that we should be rejecting. He gives key points on recognizing the powers of darkness around us, so that we might not let them into our lives through fear and ignorance.
- Oct 27, 2019Train for Godliness
Oct 27, 2019Train for GodlinessPosted by Ashley EllisonWade Ford teaches us to practice prayer and memorize Scripture in order to train ourselves for Godliness. He uses 1 Timothy 4:7 which teaches us that Godliness benefits us in every area of life and in the life to come.
- Oct 23, 2019Are You Scared?
Oct 23, 2019Are You Scared?Posted by Ashley EllisonIn a culture that cultivates and glorifies fear through various modes of entertainment, Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches that fret and worry are byproducts of a disabling, enslaving fear that produces only negative results. He encourages us to "choose life" in our entertainment choices and live free from worry and fret.
- Oct 20, 2019Choose Today
Oct 20, 2019Choose TodayPosted by Ashley EllisonWe are beings that were created to worship something/someone. We are either serving the one true God or we are turning other things in our lives into "gods." Pastor Ashley Ellison uses Joshua 24:15 to show us that we must "Choose Today" whom we will serve.
- Oct 16, 2019Get the Blessing
Oct 16, 2019Get the BlessingPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison gave 3 vital points helping us obtain the blessing that the Lord has in store for us. Using the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis, Pastor Ashley shows us the right way to "Get the Blessing" from God.
- Oct 13, 2019Wholehearted
Oct 13, 2019WholeheartedPosted by Ashley EllisonIn our walks with the Lord we have to give ourselves to Him wholeheartedly. In this podcast Pastor Ashley Ellison talks about Caleb in the book of Joshua, how he was repeatedly pointed out for following after God with his whole heart. Caleb was blessed because of that, and we can be too!
- Oct 9, 2019Change
Oct 9, 2019ChangePosted by Deann DanielDeann Daniel encourages us to embrace change. She gives us 4 key points to seeing change as a positive thing.
- Oct 6, 2019Panel Sunday
Oct 6, 2019Panel SundayPosted by PanelPastor Ashley Ellison invited Adam Jones, Deann Daniel, Melanie Bertoglio, and Chatman Laxton to review our Fall Into Faith Conference with a panel. Each person gave key points that they heard during our faith week. The wisdom they shared was something that you don't want to miss!
- Oct 2, 2019Romans Part 11
Oct 2, 2019Romans Part 11Posted by Adam JonesAdam Jones finishes off our series on Romans by asking us 7 questions to help us make decisions in questionable circumstances. ro