Jul 29, 2020

Know the Role Part 2
Posted by Adam Jones
In the second and final session of this series, Adam Jones explains the irony of the government trying to fill the role of the church and the church trying to fill the role of the government. The role of the church is personal and relational. As Christians, we must care about both the government and the church. We must care about them enough that we recognize when one is trying to do the job of the other. When we know what the church is to do, we can make corrections when we see things in our culture that are out of order.
- Jul 29, 2020Know the Role Part 2
Jul 29, 2020Know the Role Part 2Posted by Adam JonesIn the second and final session of this series, Adam Jones explains the irony of the government trying to fill the role of the church and the church trying to fill the role of the government. The role of the church is personal and relational. As Christians, we must care about both the government and the church. We must care about them enough that we recognize when one is trying to do the job of the other. When we know what the church is to do, we can make corrections when we see things in our culture that are out of order.
- Jul 22, 2020Know the Role
Jul 22, 2020Know the RolePosted by Adam JonesAdam Jones teaches the role of government and the role of the church. As members of the church, what is our Biblical duty to the community in which we live. Adam gives us practical steps to live our Christianity out loud in our communities without compromising our values.
- Jun 28, 2020At Least I Know I’m Free
Jun 28, 2020At Least I Know I’m FreePosted by Adam JonesAdam Jones reminds us that while the times may be turbulent here in the United States, we are still a nation founded on Biblical principles.
- May 31, 2020A Relationship with God Part 1
May 31, 2020A Relationship with God Part 1Posted by Adam JonesPastor Ashley shows us through Revelation 4 that, in heaven, there is a culture of worship. We, too, should have a culture of worship in our lives because of our relationship with God. God doesn't need our sacrifices or our efforts. He created us for relationship with Him, first and foremost. All of our human efforts should be borne out of that relationship and never a result of obligation.
- May 27, 2020Colossians pt 11
May 27, 2020Colossians pt 11Posted by Adam JonesIn our continued study of Colossians, Adam focuses on what it means to cast off our former self in order to represent Christ as mature followers of God, and how important it is for us to make a daily assessment of what we are putting on for those around us.
- May 20, 2020Colossians Part 10
May 20, 2020Colossians Part 10Posted by Adam JonesIn the tenth part of our Colossians study, Adam Jones breaks down chapter three of Colossians while bringing about the realizations of what we can do since God has come into our lives.
- Nov 6, 2019Love and Justice Part 1 Are You Judging Me?
Nov 6, 2019Love and Justice Part 1 Are You Judging Me?Posted by Adam Jones"True love doesn't exist in the absence of judgment, it only exists in the presence of it." In a culture that is always touting, "don't judge," Adam Jones teaches us what the Bible really says about making judgments. He gives us 7 important questions to ask before we make a judgment.
- Oct 2, 2019Romans Part 11
Oct 2, 2019Romans Part 11Posted by Adam JonesAdam Jones finishes off our series on Romans by asking us 7 questions to help us make decisions in questionable circumstances. ro
- Sep 29, 2019Drive Thru Faith
Sep 29, 2019Drive Thru FaithPosted by Adam JonesPastor Wade Ford gives us 4 key points on the (spiritual) nutritional value of "dining" with the Lord instead of "driving through" on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Feeding ourselves on the Word of God daily is the right way to produce true spiritual health.
- Sep 18, 2019Romans Part 10
Sep 18, 2019Romans Part 10Posted by Adam JonesAdam Jones teaches us through Romans Chapter 14 that there are Christians who are strong in the faith and Christians who are weak in the faith. How we deal with one another is important in helping someone to grow stronger in faith.
- Sep 15, 2019A Great God Doing a Great Thing
Sep 15, 2019A Great God Doing a Great ThingPosted by Adam JonesPastor Ashley Ellison gives us practical steps and tools for seeing our great God do great things in our day to day lives.
- Sep 11, 2019Romans Part 9
Sep 11, 2019Romans Part 9Posted by Adam JonesIn this part of our series on Romans, Adam Jones dives deep into the topic of government authority.
- Sep 4, 2019Romans Part 8
Sep 4, 2019Romans Part 8Posted by Adam JonesOn part 8 of our series on Romans, Adam Jones discusses our relationship with the Lord and our relationships with others.
- Aug 21, 2019Romans Part 7
- Aug 14, 2019Romans Part 6
- Aug 7, 2019Romans Part 5
Aug 7, 2019Romans Part 5Posted by Adam JonesIn Part 5 of our series in Romans, Adam Jones shows us that sanctification is not "trying to do right" every day, but rather a daily acknowledgment that we can't do right without right Christ. It is daily submission. "We can't live our Christian life like it depends on us."
- Jul 31, 2019Romans Part 4
- Jul 31, 2019Romans Part 4
Jul 31, 2019Romans Part 4Posted by Adam JonesAdam Jones continues this profound study of Romans. He clarifies the grace message, and shows us how we left slavery to sin, but have now become slaves to righteousness out of a desire for obedience to God.
- Jul 24, 2019Romans Part 3
Jul 24, 2019Romans Part 3Posted by Adam JonesAdam Jones teaches us through Romans Chapter 5 that while we were once enemies of God, we who are saved by faith are no longer at war with Him. He shows us the 3 Great Imputations concerning the doctrine of sin and how the only great option we have is to be "born again."
- Jul 17, 2019Romans Part 2
Jul 17, 2019Romans Part 2Posted by Adam JonesAdam Jones continues to teach us through the Book of Romans, showing us that salvation by faith alone was always God's plan. The Apostle Paul showed us this in Romans by using Abraham and David as examples. He concludes by teaching us to recognize 5 things that will try to steal your faith.
- Dec 30, 2018Holiness Continues
- Nov 7, 2018Confidence
- Oct 24, 2018Gifts, Calling, Character
- Aug 29, 2018The Law of Life
Aug 29, 2018The Law of LifePosted by Adam Jones"2018.08.29-The Law of Life-AJ" from The Law of Life by Adam Jones. Released: 2018. Genre: podcast.
- Aug 22, 2018The Law of Life
Aug 22, 2018The Law of LifePosted by Adam Jones"The Law of Life " by Adam Jones . Released: 2018. Genre: podcast.