Mar 12, 2023

The Faithfulness of God Part Two
Posted by Ashley Ellison
Series: Living by Faith
"The Faithfulness of God Part Two" by Ashley Ellison.
- Mar 12, 2023The Faithfulness of God Part Two
Mar 12, 2023The Faithfulness of God Part TwoPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by Faith"The Faithfulness of God Part Two" by Ashley Ellison.
- Mar 8, 2023Faith Heroes:Rahab
Mar 8, 2023Faith Heroes:RahabPosted by Melanie BertoglioSeries: Faith HeroesMelanie Bertoglio continues in the Faith Heroes series, teaching on the life of Rahab.
- Mar 5, 2023The Faithfulness of God
Mar 5, 2023The Faithfulness of GodPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by Faith"The Faithfulness of God" by Ashley Ellison.
- Mar 1, 2023Faith Hereoes:Sarah
Mar 1, 2023Faith Hereoes:SarahPosted by Melanie BertoglioSeries: Faith HeroesMelanie Bertoglio continues in the Faith Heroes series, teaching on the life of Sarah.
- Feb 26, 2023Established in the Faith
Feb 26, 2023Established in the FaithPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by FaithPastor Ashley Ellison shares the importance of being Established in the Faith. This requires us to be sold out and rooted and grounded in Jesus. The church must rise up and be established in their faith.
- Feb 22, 2023Faith Heroes: Abraham
Feb 22, 2023Faith Heroes: AbrahamPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Faith HeroesPastor Ashley Ellison continues the Faith Heroes series, teaching on the life of Abraham.
- Feb 19, 2023Gather Up Arrows
Feb 19, 2023Gather Up ArrowsPosted by Chatman LaxtonSeries: Living by FaithPastor Chatman Laxton teaches from 2 Kings chapter 13 as he shares the importance of doing what needs to be done. We can often get caught up in waiting for someone else to fill a need or do what needs to be accomplished, when we could instead, step up in faith and obedience and fill the need ourselves.
- Feb 15, 2023Faith Heroes:Job
Feb 15, 2023Faith Heroes:JobPosted by Chatman LaxtonSeries: Faith HeroesPastor Chatman Laxton continues in the Faith Heroes series, teaching on the life of Job.
- Feb 12, 2023Personal Responsibility
Feb 12, 2023Personal ResponsibilityPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by FaithPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on Living by Faith, covering the importance of Personal Responsibility. God has called us to take responsibility. We must be tenders of what God has entrusted us with, producers of what we are tending and givers of what we have produced. The result will be receiving the benefit of what God has called us to.
- Feb 8, 2023Faith Heroes: Noah
Feb 8, 2023Faith Heroes: NoahPosted by Melanie BertoglioSeries: Faith HeroesMelanie Bertoglio continues the Faith Heroes series, teaching on the life of Noah
- Feb 5, 2023Faith Through it All
Feb 5, 2023Faith Through it AllPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by FaithPastor Ashley shares from the story of Lazarus and the enduring faith of Mary and Martha, to teach a message, "Faith Through It All". It is possible and important to have faith even through the difficult experiences of life.
- Jan 29, 2023Identifying Faith
Jan 29, 2023Identifying FaithPosted by Tim BrooksSeries: Living by FaithIn his message, "Identifying Faith", Pastor Tim Brooks teaches on the importance of a lifestyle of faith in our lives. Faith is like seed. It is predestined to produce in our lives. However, it is important not to cross-pollinate or mix the things of this world with our faith.
- Jan 25, 2023Faith Heroes
Jan 25, 2023Faith HeroesPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Faith HeroesPastor Ashley introduces a new series entitled, "Faith Heroes". The men and women of the Bible that are admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, and noble qualities, operated in faith. We can learn a great deal about faith by studying these individuals that were set apart and used powerfully by God.
- Jan 22, 2023Living by Faith
Jan 22, 2023Living by FaithPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by FaithPastor Ashley teaches on the Vision for 2023, "Living by Faith".
- Jan 18, 2023Missionary Alvin Anderson
Jan 18, 2023Missionary Alvin AndersonPosted by Alvin AndersonMissionary to Honduras, Alvin Anderson
- Jan 15, 2023Panel Sunday
Jan 15, 2023Panel SundayPosted by Chatman LaxtonSeries: Living by FaithThe Pastoral staff of Christian Ministries Church discuss the Vision for 2023, "Live by Faith".
- Jan 11, 2023Refugees of Fear
Jan 11, 2023Refugees of FearPosted by Chatman Laxton"Pastor Chatman Laxton shares a message to encourage believers to approach the throne room boldly in faith, and not live defined as a "Refugee of Fear". God wants us to be residents of faith- citizens of the Kingdom of God with an eternal perspective.
- Jan 8, 2023Vision Sunday
Jan 8, 2023Vision SundayPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by FaithPastor Ashley shares the Vision for 2023 for Christian Ministries Church: Live by Faith. It is impossible to please God without faith. This year, as we Live by Faith, we will see that faith is what releases God's movement in our lives.
- Jan 4, 2023Change Part Two
Jan 4, 2023Change Part TwoPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on the transformation that should take place in our life when we are saved. This transformation is a supernatural transformation, as we are changed into His image. We are changed from within, and it is progressive, as we continually grow closer to God. It is God who changes us, for His glory and His purpose!
- Jan 1, 2023Change
Jan 1, 2023ChangePosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message, "Changed", Pastor Ashley Ellison shares on the transformation that should take place in our life when we are saved. The Bible calls us to be transformed by Jesus! True Christianity involves a trust in God to empower us through this new creation process. This continues everyday of our Christian life.
- Dec 28, 2022The Right Perspective
Dec 28, 2022The Right PerspectivePosted by Chatman LaxtonPastor Chatman Laxton preaches on the importance of having "The Right Perspective". How we leave one season is how we enter the next. It's important to evaluate what was done in the past, as well as have a right perspective as we look into the future.
- Dec 21, 2022Seasons Change
Dec 21, 2022Seasons ChangePosted by Melanie BertoglioGod uses seasons in the natural world around us to teach us about seasons that we will go through in our own lives. Life is a series of seasons. They are what sometimes make life very difficult, but they also make it beautiful. Pastor Melanie Bertoglio brings a message of encouragement as we journey through the seasons of life.
- Dec 14, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom: The Law of Dominion
Dec 14, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom: The Law of DominionPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The Laws of the KingdomPastor Ashley Ellison teaches on the Law of Dominion. As God rules and reigns in Heaven, He wants us to rule and reign on earth. We have been created in His image, and we are to do what he does. God has placed us here and given us authority. We have the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. We have His Son, His Spirit and His Word. We have everything we need to live a victorious life here on earth.
- Dec 11, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace Part Three
Dec 11, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace Part ThreePosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on God's Amazing Grace, emphasizing the importance of the redemptive work of Jesus. God's grace is made available to us because of Jesus. We must go to Him and continue going to Him. It is only through Jesus that we can achieve the perfection that is needed to go to Heaven.
- Dec 7, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom: The Law of Miracles
Dec 7, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom: The Law of MiraclesPosted by Chatman LaxtonSeries: The Laws of the KingdomPastor Chatman Laxton continues "The Laws of the Kingdom", teaching on "The Law of Miracles". Miracles in the Kingdom of God operate around us all the time. Miracles are divine encounters that require faith and God's grace. Teaching from Numbers 13 and 14, Chatman brings clarity to the Law of Miracles, encouraging the believer that God intended for us to experience his miracle working power.