May 14, 2023
Love Your Mother
Posted by Ashley Ellison
Pastor Ashley Ellison shares a message on honoring and loving your mother.
- May 14, 2023Love Your Mother
May 14, 2023Love Your MotherPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison shares a message on honoring and loving your mother.
- May 7, 2023True Christianity
May 7, 2023True ChristianityPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison shares a message on True Christianity. Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. When we accept his gift of salvation, we have a new life that is alive and forgiven. It is a life awakened by faith. That is what following Jesus is all about.
- Apr 23, 2023The Culture War in America
Apr 23, 2023The Culture War in AmericaPosted by Ashley EllisonOne glance into society today reveals that every good, moral, and decent principle that originates in God's Kingdom is under assault. We are called to speak out and stand up in loving opposition to a dominant culture of hate, death and darkness. We are called to be a culture of love, life and light. We must create a culture that will counter the darkness that we are seeing around us.
- Apr 9, 2023Do You Understand
Apr 9, 2023Do You UnderstandPosted by Ashley EllisonJesus won the victory over death! He was willing to sacrifice Himself for our sins and for our salvation. In preparation for Calvary, the disciples did not understand what was coming, or what Jesus was telling them. As we celebrate His resurrection, it is important for us to understand what He has done for us, and what is available to us because of Jesus.
- Apr 2, 2023Prepare for Easter
- Jan 18, 2023Missionary Alvin Anderson
Jan 18, 2023Missionary Alvin AndersonPosted by Alvin AndersonMissionary to Honduras, Alvin Anderson
- Jan 11, 2023Refugees of Fear
Jan 11, 2023Refugees of FearPosted by Chatman Laxton"Pastor Chatman Laxton shares a message to encourage believers to approach the throne room boldly in faith, and not live defined as a "Refugee of Fear". God wants us to be residents of faith- citizens of the Kingdom of God with an eternal perspective.
- Jan 4, 2023Change Part Two
Jan 4, 2023Change Part TwoPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on the transformation that should take place in our life when we are saved. This transformation is a supernatural transformation, as we are changed into His image. We are changed from within, and it is progressive, as we continually grow closer to God. It is God who changes us, for His glory and His purpose!
- Jan 1, 2023Change
Jan 1, 2023ChangePosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message, "Changed", Pastor Ashley Ellison shares on the transformation that should take place in our life when we are saved. The Bible calls us to be transformed by Jesus! True Christianity involves a trust in God to empower us through this new creation process. This continues everyday of our Christian life.
- Dec 28, 2022The Right Perspective
Dec 28, 2022The Right PerspectivePosted by Chatman LaxtonPastor Chatman Laxton preaches on the importance of having "The Right Perspective". How we leave one season is how we enter the next. It's important to evaluate what was done in the past, as well as have a right perspective as we look into the future.
- Dec 21, 2022Seasons Change
Dec 21, 2022Seasons ChangePosted by Melanie BertoglioGod uses seasons in the natural world around us to teach us about seasons that we will go through in our own lives. Life is a series of seasons. They are what sometimes make life very difficult, but they also make it beautiful. Pastor Melanie Bertoglio brings a message of encouragement as we journey through the seasons of life.
- Nov 20, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace
Nov 20, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing GracePosted by Ashley EllisonGod's grace in our lives is the only way that we are able to live in the Kingdom of God. It was through grace that we were saved, justified and made joint heirs with Jesus. Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we may find grace to help in time of need. This grace can be found in Jesus. When we find ourselves weak or in need, we should seek Jesus. In Him we will find the grace we need.
- Nov 13, 2022Stewarding the Kingdom of God
Nov 13, 2022Stewarding the Kingdom of GodPosted by Ashley EllisonGod is a generational God. He has given us the responsibility to steward the things of God. We as the church need to be faithful to what has been given to us, and impart those things to the next generation. Every generation needs to see and experience the things of God. We can be part of this, if we are faithful to steward the Kingdom of God.
- Nov 6, 2022The Process of Pruning
Nov 6, 2022The Process of PruningPosted by Chatman LaxtonThe process of pruning is an essential part of our lives We need to come to a place where we are allowing God to prune us. We should be proactive in searching the heart of God for the areas of our lives that need to be pruned.
- Oct 30, 2022Forgetting the Past
Oct 30, 2022Forgetting the PastPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message, "Forgetting the Past", Pastor Ashley encourages believers to forget the hurt from the past. Sharing from the life of Joseph, he illustrates the importance of forgetting even the most painful wrongs and pressing forward to the future and God's blessings. Joseph made an intentional decision to forgive and forget the wrong that was done to him by his brothers. Forgetting is a choice to not allow our mind to relive the hurt. The enemy wants that pain to be a stronghold in our life. Through the power of Christ, we destroy strongholds!
- Oct 26, 2022What’s In Your Basket
Oct 26, 2022What’s In Your BasketPosted by Rachel WarrenRachel Warren encourages us to examine what is in our "basket". What has God gifted us with? We should not disqualify it, but rather, give it to Jesus. We don't know the power of what we hold in our basket. It is when we give it to Jesus that he will multiply it and bless many.
- Oct 23, 2022The Tool
Oct 23, 2022The ToolPosted by Ashley EllisonEveryone faces battles in life. God has given us the tools to tear down the strongholds and battles that come from satan. It is the tool that makes contact with the enemy. As we utilize those tools, our prayer and the spoken Word of God, we can expect a victory.
- Oct 20, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom:The Law of Use
Oct 20, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom:The Law of UsePosted by Chatman LaxtonThe Kingdom of God operates on the Law of Use which is illustrated in the Parable of the Talents out of Matthew 25. Pastor Ashley teaches the importance of stewarding over what God has entrusted to us so that we prosper in every area of our lives.
- Oct 16, 2022Living in the Kingdom of God
Oct 16, 2022Living in the Kingdom of GodPosted by Chatman LaxtonIn his message, "Living in the Kingdom of God", Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches on how to live in the Kingdom. He shares that it is important to not let our hearts be troubled and fully place our trust in God. It's impossible to trust God when we are living with a troubled heart. Applying this to our lives, allows us to live in the valley of blessings.
- Oct 9, 2022The Names of Jesus
Oct 9, 2022The Names of JesusPosted by Chatman LaxtonPastor Chatman Laxton teaches on the correlation between our basic need for air, water, bread, light and shelter and Jesus being the breath in our lungs, living water, the bread of life, the light of the world and a shield around us.
- Sep 18, 2022Send Me
Sep 18, 2022Send MePosted by Chatman LaxtonSowing seed and growing a harvest are important in effectively growing the kingdom of God. That's why in his message, Pastor Chatman Laxton talks about what it takes to guard the work that we are trying to accomplish.
- Aug 21, 2022Altars
Aug 21, 2022AltarsPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison reminds us of the importance of altar experiences in our lives. The Old Testament is filled with examples of altars built to commemorate an event with a divine encounter between the Lord and man. We no longer need a physical altar, after Jesus' death and resurrection. As believers today, our altar experience is a place to honor God for what He's done and what He's going to do. It's important to have a place of remembrance, where we know God has spoken, and we can stand firm on His promise.
- Aug 14, 2022Changing Our Checkered Past
Aug 14, 2022Changing Our Checkered PastPosted by Ashley EllisonDavid Hilton encourages us to seek the presence of God. His presence will correct us, change us, and allow us to experience the very glory of God.
- Aug 7, 2022Do This To Remember Me
Aug 7, 2022Do This To Remember MePosted by Ashley EllisonAshley Ellison teaches on the importance of communion in the life of the believer. When partaking in communion we are to 1) Remain in Him 2) Remember Him and 3) Examine ourselves.
- Jul 31, 2022Who Told You
Jul 31, 2022Who Told YouPosted by Ashley EllisonAshley Ellison challenges us to ask ourselves what voice we are listening to. God's Word is not an opinion. His Word is authority. If we are listening to anything that does not line up with the Word of God, we must cut it out of our lives and align ourselves with the truth of His Word.