Nov 15, 2020

Posted by Chatman Laxton
In his sermon "Awakened" Chatman urges us to wake up to the hope that we all share in Christ Jesus. This hope is more than what we can get from God, it is a relationship with God Himself that is our joy and strength.
- Nov 15, 2020Awakened
Nov 15, 2020AwakenedPosted by Chatman LaxtonIn his sermon "Awakened" Chatman urges us to wake up to the hope that we all share in Christ Jesus. This hope is more than what we can get from God, it is a relationship with God Himself that is our joy and strength.
- Nov 11, 2020The Pursuit of Happiness
Nov 11, 2020The Pursuit of HappinessPosted by Chatman LaxtonIn his message The Pursuit of Happiness, Chatman addresses the importance of being led by the Spirit of God in our pursuits instead of being led into captivity by the lies of idols. God wants us to be happy, but in our free will if we aren't careful we will raise up strongholds for the enemy.
- Nov 8, 2020Caught In The Middle
Nov 8, 2020Caught In The MiddlePosted by Ashley EllisonIn the Sunday following the election, Adam Jones brings a great word about the the way Christians should be acting in response to the events going on and around us. "Feeling Caught In The Middle" shouldn't leave us caught up in our emotions, or find ourselves caught up in the results when we know who the King is.
- Nov 4, 2020Unchangeable
Nov 4, 2020UnchangeablePosted by Ashley EllisonFollowing the election results of the 2020 Presidential Election, Pastor Ashley calls for us in in time of change, to look to the One who is "Unchangeable". We can know, in our innermost being, that God never changes, and though we may end up with a new president, the Savior Of the World, The Prince of Peace, The Lion of Judah never changes.
- Nov 1, 2020Culture Effect Part 2
Nov 1, 2020Culture Effect Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison tackles some of the most difficult topics that American Christians are dealing with as we approach the 2020 election. He breaks down for us what it looks like when the Christians in our country cast their votes from a Biblical worldview. Capitalism versus Socialism/Communism, Black Lives Matter Inc. versus all lives matter, Planned Parenthood/Abortion versus the pro-life movement...what does the Bible say about these? If you want to know, take a listen.
- Oct 28, 2020Correct Filter
Oct 28, 2020Correct FilterPosted by Ashley EllisonIn this message, Pastor Ashley explains how we can use the Word of God as a filter for our lives. It should filter our thoughts, our words, and our actions in order to grow His Kingdom. We hope this simple truth affects your life in a lasting way.
- Oct 25, 2020Culture Effect Part 2
Oct 25, 2020Culture Effect Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the second part of Pastor Ashley's," Culture Effect" series, Pastor lays out the importance of the church to impact the culture around us. As he shows us in the word, the vertical covenant we have with God, mandates a horizontal covenant with the world around us, and because of that we , who are called to God, should be seeking to impact the culture around us.
- Oct 21, 2020Familiarity
Oct 21, 2020FamiliarityPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message Familiarity, Pastor Ashley fully exposes the dangers of contempt in the church. How it sows discord and disgruntlement, even to the point where our familiarity can remove the blessing that God had fully intended us to receive.
- Oct 18, 2020State of the Union
Oct 18, 2020State of the UnionPosted by Tim BrooksIn Pastor Tim's message on the "State of The Union", he addresses the concerning disposition our country is in, while at the same time providing the evidence of hope through a path forward. It involves us as Christians, recognizing Gods commands for us to be impactful, that our country will have any hope to move forward.
- Oct 14, 2020Fightin’ Words part 2
Oct 14, 2020Fightin’ Words part 2Posted by Chatman LaxtonChatman Laxton shows us how to respond to "Fighting Words" in his second message of the series. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego responded respectfully but firmly when faced with fighting words. Because of their faithfulness, God showed up and they were protected and prospered.
- Oct 11, 2020CultureEffect2020
Oct 11, 2020CultureEffect2020Posted by Ashley EllisonIn this sermon Pastor Ashley speaks about how we need to be a community that makes the change that this world needs. We have to learn how to recognize the lies of the world, and shun them for the truth of God.
- Oct 7, 2020Fightin’ Words
- Oct 4, 2020Spirit of Truth
Oct 4, 2020Spirit of TruthPosted by Josh BarnettIn Josh's sermon,'' Spirit of Truth'' he focusses on what it means to listen to the Spirit of God. Even in trying and uncertain circumstances, if we will listen to God we can always have the right response. Having the right response will allow us to further the kingdom of God.
- Sep 27, 2020Victory Today part 2
Sep 27, 2020Victory Today part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonIn Victory Today part 2, Pastor Ashley addresses the need for God's people to speak to God through our spirit. He explains the role of speaking in tongues and the important part it was designed to play in us experiencing victory today.
- Sep 23, 2020Lead By The Spirit pt 3
Sep 23, 2020Lead By The Spirit pt 3Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the third part of Pastor Ashley's Lead by The Spirit series, Pastor Ashley talks about the importance of relying on our ability to "see" God moving spiritually, instead of through what our five physical senses tell us. Understanding, rather, that we should be leaning on our "sixth" sense and that being our spiritual sense to truly allow us to see God moving always.
- Sep 20, 2020Lead By the Spirit Part 2
Sep 20, 2020Lead By the Spirit Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the second part of Pastor Ashley's Lead by the Spirit series, Pastor uses the examples of his life that led him to wanting to shift his life and to "transform" his thinking so that he could live in the blessings of God.
- Sep 16, 2020Led by the Spirit
Sep 16, 2020Led by the SpiritPosted by Ashley EllisonIn Pastor Ashley's message, "Led by the Spirit", Pastor outlines the way that we should not be led by our five physical senses. Living this way will lead to frustration and sin. Instead, we should be led by the Spirit, which always will keep us on the path that God would have for us.
- Sep 13, 2020Victory Today
Sep 13, 2020Victory TodayPosted by Ashley EllisonIn Pastor Ashley's message of Victory Today, He goes into detail about why and how we as Christians can see God's plan for us to be blessed. We can have victory by gaining knowledge of His word, and applying it to our lives, this activates His grace and His peace as something we can always attain.
- Sep 9, 2020Victories Don’t Come By Accident
Sep 9, 2020Victories Don’t Come By AccidentPosted by Deann DanielIn her sermon, Victories Don't Come by Accident, Deann Daniel teaches us that we must have the right strategy for life in peacetime and in war to ensure security and victory. The right strategy includes knowing the Word of God, trusting God and His Word, asking and claiming, worshiping and thanking, and resting and being at peace knowing that God is working on your behalf.
- Sep 6, 2020Tell the Story
Sep 6, 2020Tell the StoryPosted by Melanie BertoglioPsalm 78 says that it is important that we teach the stories "we have heard and known" to our children so that they will know about the "glorious deeds of the Lord." Melanie Bertoglio teaches us from this passage why it is important to pass down the stories of those we read about in the Bible..."so each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands."
- Sep 2, 2020Environment
Sep 2, 2020EnvironmentPosted by Wade FordWade Ford powerfully proves why our environment matters. The sum total of our personal social and cultural conditions influence our individual lives, the lives of those around us, and our greater community. We make choices concerning our environments, and it is important to choose an environment that is conducive for God to move.
- Aug 30, 2020History Teaches
Aug 30, 2020History TeachesPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley teaches us not to shy away from the aspects of history, and that even the ugly things of history can teach us invaluable lessons. Using the story of Judas the Iscariot, we are able to receive a great lesson of what it means to truly be a follower of Christ.
- Aug 26, 2020Know that You Know
Aug 26, 2020Know that You KnowPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley preaches from Exodus 33. God promises to go with the Israelites as they enter the Promised Land to take possession of it. Realistically, they were heading into enemy territory where they knew they would face imminent danger, ungodly people, and fierce resistance. But God's promise in verse 14 was that He would go with them, give them rest, and that everything would be fine for them. That promise is for the church today as we live in perilous times, and we can find comfort in that understanding.
- Aug 23, 2020Relationship With God Part 12
Aug 23, 2020Relationship With God Part 12Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the 12th and final part of Pastor Ashley's Relationship With God series, Pastor culminates the entirety of the series by honing in on the unconditional love of God and His faithfulness.
- Aug 19, 2020Refreshing the Page Part 2
Aug 19, 2020Refreshing the Page Part 2Posted by Chatman LaxtonIn the second part of Refreshing the page, Chatman troubleshoots the thing that keeps our page from being refreshed most often, showing that there is a blessing from choosing to be on God's page.