Jun 28, 2020

At Least I Know I’m Free
Posted by Adam Jones
Adam Jones reminds us that while the times may be turbulent here in the United States, we are still a nation founded on Biblical principles.
- Jun 28, 2020At Least I Know I’m Free
Jun 28, 2020At Least I Know I’m FreePosted by Adam JonesAdam Jones reminds us that while the times may be turbulent here in the United States, we are still a nation founded on Biblical principles.
- Jun 24, 2020Getting Real Part 1: True and False Worship
Jun 24, 2020Getting Real Part 1: True and False WorshipPosted by Ashley EllisonMelanie Bertoglio teaches from Isaiah 58 to remind us that the condition of our vertical relationship with God does not rest on what we do for Him, i.e. going to church, reading the Bible, fasting, praying, sacrificing, singing in the choir, etc. While all of these things are important, a loving, intimate relationship with God will manifest itself in our horizontal relationships with others. If our relationships and our communications with people do not reflect the heart of God toward them, then our vertical relationship with God is not what it needs to be. In today's culture, the world needs to see Christians being nice.
- Jun 21, 2020A Relationship with God Part 4
Jun 21, 2020A Relationship with God Part 4Posted by Ashley EllisonPrayer is communion with God, and not an attempt to inform a misinformed God. Using the Lord's Prayer as our outline for how to commune with God, Pastor Ashley encourages that if we start and end with praise, all of our circumstances that we are praying about become very small. When we think of our prayer time as communing with God, worshiping and loving Him as our primary goal, we can truly develop a deep and meaningful relationship with Him.
- Jun 17, 2020Colossians Part 14
Jun 17, 2020Colossians Part 14Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the final teaching on Colossians, Pastor Ashley covers Chapter 4, emphasizing Paul's inclusion of the friends and co-laborers who have been a comfort to him throughout his ministry. As Christians, and like Paul, we need to have people around us who encourage and comfort us.
- Jun 14, 2020A Relationship with God Part 3
Jun 14, 2020A Relationship with God Part 3Posted by Ashley EllisonIn Part 3 of our series, A Relationship With God, Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches us how to keep our conversations "attractive" as we are instructed to do in Colossians.
- Jun 10, 2020Colossians Part 13
Jun 10, 2020Colossians Part 13Posted by Ashley Ellison"Colossians Part 13" by Ashley Ellison. Pastor Ashley clearly explains the master/servant relationship referred to in Colossians 3:22-25 and 4:1, bringing to light the historical context and culture in which this passage was written. He contrasts it with our modern-day understanding of a master/servant relationship so that we are able to receive the truth from this passage concerning employers and employees.
- Jun 7, 2020A Relationship with God Part 2
Jun 7, 2020A Relationship with God Part 2Posted by Ashley Ellison"A Relationship with God Part 2" by Ashley Ellison. Pastor Ashley shares the words of the prophet Zephaniah as he emphasizes the goodness of God as motivation for our desire to have relationship with Him. God rejoices and dances over us with singing because of His great love for us, and if we have genuine gratitude in our hearts for that love, it will ignite in us a love for Him necessary to build a real relationship.
- Jun 3, 2020Colossians Part 12
Jun 3, 2020Colossians Part 12Posted by Ashley Ellison"Colossians Part 12" from by Pastor Ashley Ellison
- May 31, 2020A Relationship with God Part 1
May 31, 2020A Relationship with God Part 1Posted by Adam JonesPastor Ashley shows us through Revelation 4 that, in heaven, there is a culture of worship. We, too, should have a culture of worship in our lives because of our relationship with God. God doesn't need our sacrifices or our efforts. He created us for relationship with Him, first and foremost. All of our human efforts should be borne out of that relationship and never a result of obligation.
- May 27, 2020Colossians pt 11
May 27, 2020Colossians pt 11Posted by Adam JonesIn our continued study of Colossians, Adam focuses on what it means to cast off our former self in order to represent Christ as mature followers of God, and how important it is for us to make a daily assessment of what we are putting on for those around us.
- May 24, 2020Story Of My Life
May 24, 2020Story Of My LifePosted by Melanie BertoglioMelanie Bertoglio uses the "Story of her life" to address the importance of numbering our days, and why we always need to take advantage of our time.
- May 20, 2020Colossians Part 10
May 20, 2020Colossians Part 10Posted by Adam JonesIn the tenth part of our Colossians study, Adam Jones breaks down chapter three of Colossians while bringing about the realizations of what we can do since God has come into our lives.
- Apr 29, 2020Results Not Typical
Apr 29, 2020Results Not TypicalPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley challenges us to take a look at the life that we lead as Christians and to ask ourselves if we are doing our part to live our lives as advertised as sons and daughters of God.
- Apr 26, 2020A Cause for Hope
Apr 26, 2020A Cause for HopePosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley reminds us that we can all have hope, now and for forever, because it is Jesus who has conquered this world.
- Apr 22, 2020A New Normal
Apr 22, 2020A New NormalPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley preaches about " A New Normal" and what that should look like in the life of a Christian in these times of quarantine.
- Apr 19, 2020Be A David
Apr 19, 2020Be A DavidPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley reminds us all of our vision for the year "Creating a Place", by using the relationship between Saul and David, he implores us that we would be a DAVID.
- Apr 15, 2020Colossians Part 9
Apr 15, 2020Colossians Part 9Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley continues into our study of Colossians, bringing into context what Paul was writing to the church of Colossae while in prison.
- Apr 12, 2020Empty
Apr 12, 2020EmptyPosted by Ashley EllisonAshley Ellison illustrates that the empty things that God gives us are FULL of promises. Showing us that the empty cross, the empty tomb, and the empty grave clothes are symbolic of the power that God has.
- Apr 8, 2020Colossians Part 8
Apr 8, 2020Colossians Part 8Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley continues a verse by verse study of the Book of Colossians.
- Apr 5, 2020Living on a Cause
Apr 5, 2020Living on a CausePosted by Ashley EllisonJust as He did with David, God has given each of us a cause to live on that is bigger than ourselves. Pastor Ashley teaches us how to face the giants in life through David's story and by reminding us that "when you live on a cause, you don't live on insecurity."
- Apr 1, 2020Colossians Part 7
Apr 1, 2020Colossians Part 7Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley continues to teach verse by verse from the Book of Colossians.
- Mar 29, 2020What’s In Between
Mar 29, 2020What’s In BetweenPosted by Ashley EllisonThe space separating where you were from where you are going...the in-between. Pastor Ashley uses the passage from Exodus 15 to show us that victory is coming and we have each been given a measure of something to rejoice about. Our job in the "in-between is to listen, do right, and obey.
- Mar 25, 2020Colossians Part 6
Mar 25, 2020Colossians Part 6Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley continues our study of Colossians and encourages us through the words of the Apostle Paul to continue growing in the Lord.
- Mar 15, 2020A Biblical Response to COVID-19
Mar 15, 2020A Biblical Response to COVID-19Posted by Chatman LaxtonPastor Ashley Ellison gives a Biblical response to COVID-19. He encourages us that Christ is over every sickness and disease and that it is our responsibility to lean on Joshua 1:9 during difficult times. "Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
- Mar 11, 2020The Father’s Heart
Mar 11, 2020The Father’s HeartPosted by Chatman LaxtonChatman Laxton uses the life and mistakes of Jephthah to remind us of the futility of bargaining with God for things that He has already given. Jephthah knew all of the facts, but he didn't know the Father's heart. He unnecessarily sacrificed his future to secure what was already in God's heart to do for him.