Mar 23, 2022

Parables-The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Posted by Melanie Bertoglio
A critical spirit, comparison, and ingratitude usually accompany pride, and pride always comes before a fall. Melanie Bertoglio uses the parable of the Parisee and the Tax Collector to show us the difference in the outcomes of the prayer of the humble versus the prayer of the prideful.
- Mar 23, 2022Parables-The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Mar 23, 2022Parables-The Pharisee and the Tax CollectorPosted by Melanie BertoglioA critical spirit, comparison, and ingratitude usually accompany pride, and pride always comes before a fall. Melanie Bertoglio uses the parable of the Parisee and the Tax Collector to show us the difference in the outcomes of the prayer of the humble versus the prayer of the prideful.
- Mar 20, 2022Living on the Border
Mar 20, 2022Living on the BorderPosted by Melanie BertoglioMelanie Bertoglio teaches how focusing on the outermost edge of the Kingdom of God, the boundaries, will keep us from focusing on the King. In this podcast, Living on the Border, learn how you can stop focusing on boundaries and rules and find the innermost place of true intimacy with the King.
- Mar 16, 2022Parables – The Father’s Heart
Mar 16, 2022Parables – The Father’s HeartPosted by Ashley EllisonThe heart of the Father for his children is revealed in the parable taught in Luke 15. God is the central figure of this story. His response to two of his children is one of love. The Father in the parable has a deep desire for his lost son to come home and be saved. When the older son is filled with anger and bitterness in response to his return, the Father moves to reunite his two sons.
- Mar 13, 2022Authority of the Believer – Living Complete Part Two
Mar 13, 2022Authority of the Believer – Living Complete Part TwoPosted by Ashley EllisonBecause of Jesus' victory over sin and death, we can have right standing with God. Our salvation was a free gift from God. We now have spiritual authority to live in victory. We did nothing to earn our salvation, however as Christians, we do have the ability to work on our relationship with God. We have direct access to God through prayer. Pastor Ashley shared four ways God responds to our prayers: 1. Direct (immediately) 2. Different (than what we asked) 3. Delayed (not in our timing) 4. Denied (God says no)
- Mar 9, 2022Parables – The Ten Virgins
Mar 9, 2022Parables – The Ten VirginsPosted by Chatman LaxtonContinuing in our "Parables" series, Chatman shared from the Parable of the Ten Virgins. He showed that through this parable Jesus intended to warn against being slack filled, and that the life we live must be full of oil.
- Mar 6, 2022Authority of the Believer – Living Complete
Mar 6, 2022Authority of the Believer – Living CompletePosted by Ashley EllisonAs believers, we have access to everything we need to live a completed life. We have access to the Word. We have access to prayer. Nothing is missing in the life of a Christian. We can grow in our knowledge, but He has already completed the work. We must access the authority that God has given us as believers.
- Mar 2, 2022Parables -The Sower
Mar 2, 2022Parables -The SowerPosted by Melanie BertoglioParables were a means that Jesus used to convey his message. Parables are an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. It's God's desire that we would understand the meaning of the parables. The Parable of the Sower, found in Mark chapter four is foundational. It teaches us how to receive the Word in all of the other parables. Ultimately, in the Parable of the Sower, we find that it all comes down to two types of soil...Soil that produces fruit and soil that doesn't. The seed is good, but it is dependent on the soil, to determine whether it will bring forth fruit. As we apply this parable of Jesus to our lives, we may examine ourselves to see if our heart is soil that produces.
- Feb 27, 2022Our Promised Land
Feb 27, 2022Our Promised LandIn his message, "Our Promised Land", Chatman Laxton shares that God has a promised land of life and abundance for us here on this earth. We must first seek God's kingdom and his righteousness, and we can then know that God has a place of success and abundance for us to take part in. Chatman presented three takeaways from the Promised Land referenced in the Old Testament: 1) The Promised Land was a literal, physical place. It was not simply a symbol for Heaven. 2) The Promised Land was centered around a relationship with God and his presence. Our success is built on relationship with God, and his Holy Spirit inside of us. 3) The Promised Land required effort through faith to obtain it. It takes effort to go to the next level in our faith.
- Feb 20, 2022Authority in the Kingdom Part Two
Feb 20, 2022Authority in the Kingdom Part TwoWe have a call on our lives to live as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God in this world. We have to understand authority to be able to live victoriously. In his message, "Authority in the Kingdom", Ashley Ellison lays out how Adam was given dominion on the earth, and then lost that dominion upon his decision to disobey God. Jesus then became the spotless sacrifice, restoring dominion. Because of Jesus we now can receive back what was ours. We have the ambassadorship of Jesus. Because of the authority of Jesus, we can live above our circumstances and live a blessed life.
- Feb 16, 2022The Parables
Feb 16, 2022The ParablesIt is important for the Word of God to be planted as seed into the heart and life of the believer. Scripture has the ability to shine a light into areas of our lives that need to be changed, convicting us and prompting us to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. The Parables of Jesus teach what the Kingdom of God is like, and give believers practical ways to apply those principles in our lives.
- Feb 13, 2022Build it Now
Feb 13, 2022Build it NowSusan Allen referenced God instructing Noah to build the ark in Genesis chapter 6, comparing it to the last days, referenced in 2 Timothy chapter 3. Noah's family was the last righteous family on earth, and God gave him detailed instructions on how to build a means of escape for his family. Currently in our society, the characteristics of the world are creeping into homes and churches, bringing corruption. God has given instruction in his Word for how to remove that decay from our lives and protect our families. We must get our focus back on the Word of God, instead of the rain that's coming. We need to have a "Word" answer for a "World" problem. Just as Noah built an ark to protect his family from the destruction of a corrupted world, we need to "build" protection for our families by adhering to the instruction and holiness of the Word of God.
- Feb 9, 2022Set Up For Success Part Four
- Feb 7, 2022Authority in the Kingdom
Feb 7, 2022Authority in the KingdomWe must be born again to see things from a kingdom perspective. As born again believers in Christ, we become his ambassadors. We have spiritual authority, representing God's kingdom here in this world. As his ambassadors, we must live according to the thinking of our King Jesus, not our own thinking.. If we're living according to the principles of the kingdom of God, we will experience the freedom of the Spirit of the Lord, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!
- Jan 31, 2022Panel Sunday January 2022
- Jan 26, 2022Set Up For Success Part Three
- Jan 23, 2022Citizenship in the Kingdom of God
Jan 23, 2022Citizenship in the Kingdom of GodWe need to operate as citizens in the Kingdom of God. There are two areas that our citizenship will affect: 1) Our relationship and interaction with God 2) Our interaction with those around us. When we're living according to the Kingdom of God, there's a submission to living according to His Word.
- Jan 16, 2022Understanding the Kingdom of God
Jan 16, 2022Understanding the Kingdom of GodThe vision of Christian Ministries Church for 2022 is "Seek First the Kingdom of God". To fully grasp the vision, we must gain an understanding of the Kingdom of God. John 18:36 tells us, "My Kingdom is not of this world". The Kingdom of God is not a physical kingdom. It is a spiritual Kingdom within God's people. God's Kingdom is not achieved by overthrowing a physical government. It's overcoming the carnal nature of man. Kingdom rule is very different than the current government that we as Americans are accustomed to. Kingdom rule does not involve citizens voting. Kingdom rule involves being under a King and submitting to the King's rule. As part of the Kingdom of God, we place ourselves under the rule of Jesus our King! His kingdom has no end. We submit to his authority. 2022 will be a year where we possess the blessings of God, as we submit ourselves to the rule of the Kingdom of God in our lives.
- Jan 12, 2022Set Up For Success Part Two
- Jan 9, 2022Vision Sunday 2022
Jan 9, 2022Vision Sunday 2022The vision for 2022 for Christian Ministries Church is "Seek First the Kingdom of God". The kingdom was a priority of Jesus. The kingdom was a priority of his followers. The Bible tells us how God's kingdom should operate. We are born into our citizenship in God's kingdom by supernatural birth. When we live by the King's rule, we will live in peace. The kingdom of God should permeate our life. We need to seek first the kingdom of God in every area.
- Jan 5, 2022Set Up For Success
- Jan 2, 2022The Resolve of Wisdom
Jan 2, 2022The Resolve of WisdomAs the new year is coming into full view, it's hard not to think about resolutions. However, like we've all experienced, resolutions are rarely successful, and because of that we can find ourselves shying away from making any.. However, God's wisdom moves us to change. God's wisdom in our lives, convicting us to change is evidence that He is not done with us yet, therefore we must not give up. The body of Christ needs us to be effective with the resolutions of change that God has put on our heart.
- Dec 26, 2021Essential 2021
Dec 26, 2021Essential 2021It is important to see ourselves as essential. Culture will try to dictate what is essential and what is non-essential, but God's Word needs to be our guide. The Word tells us that we were created by God. We have been given gifts by God to build his kingdom. Church is also essential. We must view our role in God's kingdom as essential and be guided by prayer and obedience to Christ,.
- Dec 19, 2021The Reason We Celebrate
Dec 19, 2021The Reason We CelebrateJesus is the reason that we celebrate, and we need to remember this at Christmas and all throughout the year. Every human is born with a void that needs to be filled. Only God can fill this void. Our problem is the absence of God, and our answer is the presence of God. Jesus came as the perfect, spotless sacrifice, dealing with our sin once and for all. The only way we have access to a holy God is because of Jesus. Our reason to celebrate is Jesus!
- Dec 15, 2021How to Walk in the Spirit
Dec 15, 2021How to Walk in the SpiritIn her message, "How to Walk in the Spirit", Melanie encourages us to identify the areas of flesh in our lives, and then address those areas. To walk in the Spirit, we must move in forward progress, live a life of thankfulness and fix our eyes on the Lord.
- Dec 12, 2021See Your Calling
Dec 12, 2021See Your CallingIn his message, "See Your Calling", Bubba Miller brings encouragement to those who have been called by God. You have to see your calling before you experience it. Seeing is the seed time. Your calling is the harvest. You must : 1) See your calling out of darkness 2) See your calling according to purpose 3) See your calling completed. To grow what God has given you, you must first see that God is calling you.