Mar 17, 2021

Where You Are Part 1
Posted by Ashley Ellison
Where are you? Pastor Ashley highlights three primary types of people, Believers, Lost, and Believers who have fallen away. Pastor then talks about the category you find yourself in, is due to where we have planted ourselves, be it Sin or be it the Spirit. We can look at this message and hear an encouragement no matter where we find ourselves lest we be deceived.
- Mar 17, 2021Where You Are Part 1
Mar 17, 2021Where You Are Part 1Posted by Ashley EllisonWhere are you? Pastor Ashley highlights three primary types of people, Believers, Lost, and Believers who have fallen away. Pastor then talks about the category you find yourself in, is due to where we have planted ourselves, be it Sin or be it the Spirit. We can look at this message and hear an encouragement no matter where we find ourselves lest we be deceived.
- Mar 14, 2021The Big Picture Part 1
Mar 14, 2021The Big Picture Part 1Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the first part of The Big Picture, Pastor Ashley talks about the importance for us all to grab hold of the vision that God gives us. Without that " big picture" we will keep banging our heads on the wall trying to fit in where we don't go. As Christians trying to find our place in our church, we need to make sure that we aren't trying to bring a different picture to what God is already trying to get finished with the pieces that He's got for us then. Once we finish the work he starts us in, we grow and our vision can grow, but we cant get impatient. We must keep the "big picture" on our minds and in our hearts.
- Feb 21, 2021Press On
Feb 21, 2021Press OnPosted by Ashley EllisonIn Philippians 3, Paul encouraged the church of the day to "press on toward the goal in order to obtain the prize," which was before them. In what amounted to crazy times with persecution of believers where false teachers who abounded in plenty were preying on the desperate, Paul called them to persevere after the truth! Pastor Ashley brings the same timely word for us as he challenges us, that even in the face of opposition we must not focus on what is going around us, rather we should "Press On" towards what is before us.
- Feb 14, 2021Don’t Rob God
Feb 14, 2021Don’t Rob GodPosted by Ashley EllisonFrom Malachi 3, Pastor Ashley teaches the church what God means when He commands us to not rob Him. God isn't concerned with running out of gold for the streets of heaven, rather he doesn't want us to rob Him of an opportunity to be bless from Him because of our obedience! God isn't concerned with our tithe because has missing out on something, its because of what it will unlock in our lives by being obedient, that he encourages us to "test Him in this."
- Feb 7, 2021Remember
Feb 7, 2021RememberPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his sermon, Remember, Pastor Ashley asks us, "What symbols do you have in life that cause you to remember a moment or a season of your life?" When preparing to partake of communion, we understand the imperative to examine ourselves and to remember Christ and His sacrifice. We understand that the bread and juice represent the body and the blood of Jesus. Pastor Ashley points out the additional imperative from John 6:56 to abide, which means (in the Greek) to "remain and continue to remain" connected to Jesus in everyday life, not just on Sundays and Wednesdays.
- Feb 3, 2021Proverbs Part 4
Feb 3, 2021Proverbs Part 4Posted by Ashley EllisonIn Part 4 of our series on Proverbs, Pastor Ashley shows us from Chapter 9 that wisdom dictates the quality of the life we will lead. Wisdom calls to us and should be our foundation. Scorning wisdom only brings suffering.
- Jan 31, 2021Essential: Indispensable
Jan 31, 2021Essential: IndispensablePosted by Ashley EllisonIn today's culture of dispensable technology, Pastor Ashley speaks to the wisdom of 1st Thessalonians 5:21 which tells us to ," Hold on to what is good." From this passage, Pastor shows us how essential it is for the church to stop and take a look at the things that we are "throwing away". If we want to continue to grow in the things of the Lord ,then we will have to start honoring the good things that God is placing in our lives.
- Jan 20, 2021Proverbs Part 2
Jan 20, 2021Proverbs Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonAs we continue with our study of Proverbs, Pastor Ashley speaks to the ways that wisdom calls out to us. That wisdom is seeking us out in order to bless us with Godly principles that can pay dividends in our life.
- Jan 17, 2021Essential: Change
Jan 17, 2021Essential: ChangePosted by Ashley EllisonIn this powerful word from Pastor Ashley, he discusses the word of Ezekiel 37, and the story of the dry bones in the valley. What looks to be a dry empty valley was soon to be filled with life, but God wasn't going to do it by himself. See he wanted Ezekiel to speak prophetically and believe that God could make the place of desolation, thrive with life again. In our country today, we can not afford to sit idly by and let what we see with our natural eyes limit what God can do, nor can we let it hold back our tongues from speaking life into the situation. God's Spirit is ready for us to take up the word that He has placed in us, and speak it forth, so that we can be the change agents for the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Jan 13, 2021Proverbs Part 1
Jan 13, 2021Proverbs Part 1Posted by Ashley EllisonWith the plethora of ways we have information at our fingertips, Pastor brings to light the alarming lack of wisdom we have in our country, even though we have all these tools at our disposal. The reason is, that we as a people, have moved away from the Proverbs of God and focused on the "proverbs" of man. If we will turn back to the wisdom that God gives, we will begin to see exponential changes in every facet of our lives!
- Jan 10, 2021Essential: The Sabbath
Jan 10, 2021Essential: The SabbathPosted by Ashley EllisonPerhaps the most overlooked of the Ten Commandments is the commandment to keep the Sabbath holy. The failure of so many Christians to observe the Sabbath may well be the reason our culture is in the shape it is in today. Please listen as Pastor Ashley reminds us of the purpose and need for God's people to obey all of the Ten Commandments.
- Jan 3, 2021Essential
Jan 3, 2021EssentialPosted by Ashley EllisonIn our first sermon of 2021, Pastor Ashley lays out the vision for the year, "Essential". Focusing on the idea that the Word itself will help us adequately define what the word actually means. God says that we are all "Essential" to the work of the Kingdom, and He alone determines our purpose.
- Dec 27, 2020Continue to Create a Place
Dec 27, 2020Continue to Create a PlacePosted by Ashley EllisonIn the last sermon of 2020, Pastor Ashley commissions us to continue to press in to the vision of 2020 by making ready our hearts and lives for the presence and the power of God to move.
- Dec 13, 2020Wonderful Counselor
Dec 13, 2020Wonderful CounselorPosted by Ashley EllisonChristmas is about the miraculous birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. But it is about so much more for the Christian today. We live in troubled times, but we have a Wonderful Counselor who gives perpetual hope in spite of a world that has seemingly derailed. Listen to Pastor Ashley teach us about the great and Wonderful Counselor that gives us the opportunity to be a light in a dark world.
- Dec 6, 2020Be Encouraged, Do Not Be Dismayed
Dec 6, 2020Be Encouraged, Do Not Be DismayedPosted by Ashley EllisonIn response to last week's message, Be Encouraged, Pastor Ashley continues from John 14 to teach that the way to be encouraged is to refuse to be dismayed. In a world that makes it easy to be dismayed, Christians have just as much reason to be encouraged as we ever has. God is still God, and He is still good. Why should we be dismayed?
- Nov 29, 2020Be Encouraged
Nov 29, 2020Be EncouragedPosted by Ashley EllisonIn this message Pastor Ashley is talking about being encouraged. That God wants us to be an encourager no matter what the situation. That in this pandemic we need to not let the enemy get us discouraged, because God has already won this battle.
- Nov 22, 2020Culture Effect 2020 Part 4
Nov 22, 2020Culture Effect 2020 Part 4Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the third part of his Culture Effect 2020 Series, Pastor Ashley Ellison reminds us of the importance of keeping God as the central part of our lives. He talks about valuing the fight for things that need to be defended which goes back to the very fabric in the foundation of our country.
- Nov 8, 2020Caught In The Middle
Nov 8, 2020Caught In The MiddlePosted by Ashley EllisonIn the Sunday following the election, Adam Jones brings a great word about the the way Christians should be acting in response to the events going on and around us. "Feeling Caught In The Middle" shouldn't leave us caught up in our emotions, or find ourselves caught up in the results when we know who the King is.
- Nov 4, 2020Unchangeable
Nov 4, 2020UnchangeablePosted by Ashley EllisonFollowing the election results of the 2020 Presidential Election, Pastor Ashley calls for us in in time of change, to look to the One who is "Unchangeable". We can know, in our innermost being, that God never changes, and though we may end up with a new president, the Savior Of the World, The Prince of Peace, The Lion of Judah never changes.
- Nov 1, 2020Culture Effect Part 2
Nov 1, 2020Culture Effect Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison tackles some of the most difficult topics that American Christians are dealing with as we approach the 2020 election. He breaks down for us what it looks like when the Christians in our country cast their votes from a Biblical worldview. Capitalism versus Socialism/Communism, Black Lives Matter Inc. versus all lives matter, Planned Parenthood/Abortion versus the pro-life movement...what does the Bible say about these? If you want to know, take a listen.
- Oct 28, 2020Correct Filter
Oct 28, 2020Correct FilterPosted by Ashley EllisonIn this message, Pastor Ashley explains how we can use the Word of God as a filter for our lives. It should filter our thoughts, our words, and our actions in order to grow His Kingdom. We hope this simple truth affects your life in a lasting way.
- Oct 25, 2020Culture Effect Part 2
Oct 25, 2020Culture Effect Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the second part of Pastor Ashley's," Culture Effect" series, Pastor lays out the importance of the church to impact the culture around us. As he shows us in the word, the vertical covenant we have with God, mandates a horizontal covenant with the world around us, and because of that we , who are called to God, should be seeking to impact the culture around us.
- Oct 21, 2020Familiarity
Oct 21, 2020FamiliarityPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message Familiarity, Pastor Ashley fully exposes the dangers of contempt in the church. How it sows discord and disgruntlement, even to the point where our familiarity can remove the blessing that God had fully intended us to receive.
- Oct 11, 2020CultureEffect2020
Oct 11, 2020CultureEffect2020Posted by Ashley EllisonIn this sermon Pastor Ashley speaks about how we need to be a community that makes the change that this world needs. We have to learn how to recognize the lies of the world, and shun them for the truth of God.
- Sep 27, 2020Victory Today part 2
Sep 27, 2020Victory Today part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonIn Victory Today part 2, Pastor Ashley addresses the need for God's people to speak to God through our spirit. He explains the role of speaking in tongues and the important part it was designed to play in us experiencing victory today.