Jan 8, 2023

Vision Sunday
Posted by Ashley Ellison
Series: Living by Faith
Pastor Ashley shares the Vision for 2023 for Christian Ministries Church: Live by Faith. It is impossible to please God without faith. This year, as we Live by Faith, we will see that faith is what releases God's movement in our lives.
- Jan 8, 2023Vision Sunday
Jan 8, 2023Vision SundayPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Living by FaithPastor Ashley shares the Vision for 2023 for Christian Ministries Church: Live by Faith. It is impossible to please God without faith. This year, as we Live by Faith, we will see that faith is what releases God's movement in our lives.
- Jan 4, 2023Change Part Two
Jan 4, 2023Change Part TwoPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on the transformation that should take place in our life when we are saved. This transformation is a supernatural transformation, as we are changed into His image. We are changed from within, and it is progressive, as we continually grow closer to God. It is God who changes us, for His glory and His purpose!
- Jan 1, 2023Change
Jan 1, 2023ChangePosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message, "Changed", Pastor Ashley Ellison shares on the transformation that should take place in our life when we are saved. The Bible calls us to be transformed by Jesus! True Christianity involves a trust in God to empower us through this new creation process. This continues everyday of our Christian life.
- Dec 14, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom: The Law of Dominion
Dec 14, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom: The Law of DominionPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The Laws of the KingdomPastor Ashley Ellison teaches on the Law of Dominion. As God rules and reigns in Heaven, He wants us to rule and reign on earth. We have been created in His image, and we are to do what he does. God has placed us here and given us authority. We have the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. We have His Son, His Spirit and His Word. We have everything we need to live a victorious life here on earth.
- Dec 11, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace Part Three
Dec 11, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace Part ThreePosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on God's Amazing Grace, emphasizing the importance of the redemptive work of Jesus. God's grace is made available to us because of Jesus. We must go to Him and continue going to Him. It is only through Jesus that we can achieve the perfection that is needed to go to Heaven.
- Nov 27, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace Part Two
Nov 27, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace Part TwoPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley continues teaching on how to live in and from the amazing grace of God. We find God's grace when we need it, and we receive it because we seek Him. As we experience this grace, there will be evidence in our lives.
- Nov 20, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing Grace
Nov 20, 2022The Kingdom of God’s Amazing GracePosted by Ashley EllisonGod's grace in our lives is the only way that we are able to live in the Kingdom of God. It was through grace that we were saved, justified and made joint heirs with Jesus. Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we may find grace to help in time of need. This grace can be found in Jesus. When we find ourselves weak or in need, we should seek Jesus. In Him we will find the grace we need.
- Nov 13, 2022Stewarding the Kingdom of God
Nov 13, 2022Stewarding the Kingdom of GodPosted by Ashley EllisonGod is a generational God. He has given us the responsibility to steward the things of God. We as the church need to be faithful to what has been given to us, and impart those things to the next generation. Every generation needs to see and experience the things of God. We can be part of this, if we are faithful to steward the Kingdom of God.
- Nov 2, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom:The Law of Perseverance
Nov 2, 2022The Laws of the Kingdom:The Law of PerseverancePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The Laws of the KingdomPastor Ashley continues "The Laws of the Kingdom", teaching on "The Law of Perseverance". While we may be tempted to give up, staying faithful and persevering is what God will bless. Galatians 6:9 reminds us, "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up".
- Oct 30, 2022Forgetting the Past
Oct 30, 2022Forgetting the PastPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message, "Forgetting the Past", Pastor Ashley encourages believers to forget the hurt from the past. Sharing from the life of Joseph, he illustrates the importance of forgetting even the most painful wrongs and pressing forward to the future and God's blessings. Joseph made an intentional decision to forgive and forget the wrong that was done to him by his brothers. Forgetting is a choice to not allow our mind to relive the hurt. The enemy wants that pain to be a stronghold in our life. Through the power of Christ, we destroy strongholds!
- Oct 23, 2022The Tool
Oct 23, 2022The ToolPosted by Ashley EllisonEveryone faces battles in life. God has given us the tools to tear down the strongholds and battles that come from satan. It is the tool that makes contact with the enemy. As we utilize those tools, our prayer and the spoken Word of God, we can expect a victory.
- Oct 5, 2022Sermon on the Mount:Building Fruit in Your Life
Oct 5, 2022Sermon on the Mount:Building Fruit in Your LifePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Sermon on the MountPastor Ashley Ellison concludes the series on the Sermon on the Mount, teaching on the importance of building fruit in one's life and inspecting that fruit. The teachings of Jesus bring peace and the fruits of the Spirit into our lives, enabling us to live the life that God has for us.
- Oct 2, 2022What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Oct 2, 2022What to Expect When You’re ExpectingPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Seed Time and HarvestSometimes in life we find ourselves disappointed or let down when our expectations were high and the outcome was less than what we expected. In her message "What to Expect When You're Expecting", Pastor Melanie Bertoglio explains how to fully submit ourselves to God's plan and operate in the power that is available to us as blood bought children of God. We can then learn to base our expectations on God. It is God that will give us the victory.
- Sep 25, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 4: Blood Covenant
Sep 25, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 4: Blood CovenantPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Seed Time and HarvestPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on Seed Time and Harvest, focusing on the blood covenant. A covenant relationship with God is possible because of the shed blood of Jesus. By entering into this covenant, we receive the benefits and covering of the blood of Jesus in our lives.
- Sep 11, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 3
Sep 11, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 3Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Seed Time and HarvestPastor Ashley Ellison continues his teaching on the principal of Seed Time and Harvest, encouraging us that the seed from our fruit should be benefiting others. God provides the seed of His Word, and we should be planting it in the soil of our heart. As we are faithful to plant the seed, God will develop and grow it. We should tend it in good faith, and expect a harvest.
- Sep 7, 2022Sermon on the Mount: Heavenly Rewards
Sep 7, 2022Sermon on the Mount: Heavenly RewardsPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Sermon on the MountPastor Ashley Ellison continues teaching on the Sermon on the Mount, talking about the motivation of our heart. It is possible to do the right thing for the wrong reason. Our reward for doing the right thing is Jesus. Our blessing and reward comes from Him.
- Sep 4, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 2
Sep 4, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Seed Time and HarvestAshley Ellison continues teaching on Seed Time and Harvest, reminding us that God has already provided the seed of His Word, and now it is up to us to do something with it. As we receive understanding of the Word, it's time to start sowing it. As we sow that seed, it will impact us. It's impossible to plant the Word of God and remain the same.
- Aug 28, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 1
Aug 28, 2022Seed Time and Harvest Part 1Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Seed Time and HarvestPastor Ashley Ellison shares from Mark chapter 4 on the Law of Seed Time and Harvest. When we plant seeds, they are multiplied. The Word is seed in our life. It is important that we are good soil, so the Word may grow in our lives and produce fruit.
- Aug 21, 2022Altars
Aug 21, 2022AltarsPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison reminds us of the importance of altar experiences in our lives. The Old Testament is filled with examples of altars built to commemorate an event with a divine encounter between the Lord and man. We no longer need a physical altar, after Jesus' death and resurrection. As believers today, our altar experience is a place to honor God for what He's done and what He's going to do. It's important to have a place of remembrance, where we know God has spoken, and we can stand firm on His promise.
- Aug 14, 2022Changing Our Checkered Past
Aug 14, 2022Changing Our Checkered PastPosted by Ashley EllisonDavid Hilton encourages us to seek the presence of God. His presence will correct us, change us, and allow us to experience the very glory of God.
- Aug 10, 2022Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light
Aug 10, 2022Sermon on the Mount: Salt and LightPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Sermon on the MountBeing Salt and Light is a direct reflection of the beatitudes. Jesus was talking to people who were going to be persecuted, slandered and betrayed. The same message can be applied to our lives today.
- Aug 7, 2022Do This To Remember Me
Aug 7, 2022Do This To Remember MePosted by Ashley EllisonAshley Ellison teaches on the importance of communion in the life of the believer. When partaking in communion we are to 1) Remain in Him 2) Remember Him and 3) Examine ourselves.
- Aug 3, 2022Sermon on the Mount: Eight Characteristics of Blessed People
Aug 3, 2022Sermon on the Mount: Eight Characteristics of Blessed PeoplePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Sermon on the MountJesus began the Sermon on the Mount talking about God's blessings. Everyone desires to live a blessed life. Pastor Ashley shares from this passage of the Sermon on the Mount, giving eight characteristics of blessed people.
- Jul 31, 2022Who Told You
Jul 31, 2022Who Told YouPosted by Ashley EllisonAshley Ellison challenges us to ask ourselves what voice we are listening to. God's Word is not an opinion. His Word is authority. If we are listening to anything that does not line up with the Word of God, we must cut it out of our lives and align ourselves with the truth of His Word.
- Jul 17, 2022Doing Life His Way
Jul 17, 2022Doing Life His WayPosted by Ashley EllisonGod has given us a free will, and we have been given the opportunity to choose on our own who we will serve. Choosing to serve the Lord and do things His way is always the right choice. God has a plan and a purpose, and His way works.