- Sep 8, 2021Hearing God Part Two
- Sep 5, 2021Hearing God
Sep 5, 2021Hearing GodWe need to listen to God's voice. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correctio and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." We must hear the Word of God and apply it, putting it into action in our lives.
- Aug 29, 2021What to Do
Aug 29, 2021What to DoThe world is trying to strike fear to motivate us to do what they want. But we have the power of the almighty God in us, able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or even think (Ephesians 3:20). In order to experience God's blessings, we must be born again, and then listen to God's voice and do what he says.
- Aug 22, 2021The Healing Nature of God
- Aug 15, 2021Draw Near With a Sincere Heart
- Aug 8, 2021Be Near
Aug 8, 2021Be NearGod wants us to draw near to him. Our motives will be more pure when we have drawn near to God and spent time in his presence. Our response to others and our friendships will also be in a better place when we have drawn near to God's presence. "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart." Hebrews 10:22.
- Aug 1, 2021The Diet to Maturity
Aug 1, 2021The Diet to MaturityWe need to understand the "diet" that leads us to the spiritual maturity that God has for us. There are four elements that contribute to this maturity: 1) The teaching of the Word of God 2) Fellowship with other believers 3) Communion 4) Prayer. Partaking in these four important areas will encourage a healthy maturity in the life of the believer.
- Jul 26, 2021Epic Failure
Jul 26, 2021Epic FailureIn his message "Epic Failure", Tim Brooks brings encouragement for those who remain troubled over a past failure. Peter denied Jesus three times in Mathew chapter 26, but in John chapter 21 Jesus gives Peter the opportunity to confess that he loved him three times, reconditioning his thinking. Jesus brought restoration to Peter by reconditioning his response. It is important to recondition our thinking after an "epic" failure.
- Jul 18, 2021The Deception of Immaturity Part Three
Jul 18, 2021The Deception of Immaturity Part ThreeAshley Ellison teaches on the importance of spiritual maturity in the life of the believer. As noted in 2 Timothy 4:1-2, reproof, rebuke, exhortation, long suffering and sound doctrine all play an important roll in developing maturity. The foundation of sound doctrine is the Word of God. It is important to continually be in a place of teaching and being taught the truth of God's Word.
- Jul 11, 2021Heart Over Sacrifice
Jul 11, 2021Heart Over SacrificeIn his message "Heart Over Sacrifice", Chatman illustrates from the story of Jonah, the importance of having a right heart in our service for God. Jonah was serving God, but had a hard heart, a symptom of spiritual immaturity. God wants our heart before anything else. God has mercy on us even in our immaturity, but left unchecked, spiritual immaturity will keep us removed from his greatest blessings.
- Jul 4, 2021Dull of Hearing- Part Two of The Deception of Immaturity
Jul 4, 2021Dull of Hearing- Part Two of The Deception of ImmaturitySpiritual immaturity over a prolonged amount of time will give way to accepting things that will bring corruption. Hebrews 5:11-14 warns against the dangers of becoming "dull of hearing" and not progressing from consuming spiritual "milk" to consuming "solid food". To be fully prepared to face the evil in the world today we must grow in our relationship with Christ and mature, consuming the "meat" of the Word of God, so that we can be equipped to discern between good and evil.
- Jun 27, 2021The Deception of Immaturity
Jun 27, 2021The Deception of ImmaturityIn his message "The Deception of Immaturity", Pastor Ashley lays out the importance of moving from a place of spiritual immaturity to a place of spiritual maturity. The biggest sign of maturity is coming to a place where you can recognize immaturity in your own life. It is important to identify those areas and put them away, and grow in knowledge and wisdom.
- Jun 20, 2021Commitment and Surrender
Jun 20, 2021Commitment and SurrenderIn his message "Commitment and Surrender", Pastor Ashley explains the importance of being fully surrendered to God. We live in a culture where people struggle with keeping commitments. Without surrendering to God's call on our life, we cannot fully commit. Without surrender we can't fulfill God's call on our life. Life is daily about surrendering our will to the Lordship of Jesus. Surrender to God allows our commitments to line up with him.
- Jun 16, 2021Ordinary People
Jun 16, 2021Ordinary PeopleWe are in a culture that is pushing everyone to believe that if there isn't something extraordinary about themselves that they aren't special. Many Christians spend so much time trying to identify a grand call for their lives that they miss the simple assignments that God has set before them. Melanie Bergoglio encourages us to "show up, accept the assignment, and do it to the best of our ability." In doing so, we often discover the call of God in our lives.
- Jun 13, 2021Essential With Potential
Jun 13, 2021Essential With PotentialGuillermo Rodriguez, Pastor of Christian Ministries Church in Houston, shared a message reminding us that our thinking will influence our behavior. Wrong thinking can influence wrong behavior and bring destruction. We need our minds to be renewed and transformed, and it starts with an encounter with Jesus!
- Jun 9, 2021Following Our Faith
- Jun 7, 2021A Perfect Result
Jun 7, 2021A Perfect ResultMelanie Bertoglio shares from James 1 about the importance of developing endurance in our lives. James tells us that God develops endurance in us when we go through the trials of life by planning ahead and choosing ahead of time what we will believe when they come. Whether the trials be ones that we "fall" in or ones that we bring on ourselves, God knows and cares and uses them to develop us that he might do a thorough work and achieve perfect results in us and for us.
- Jun 7, 2021Proving Our Faith Part Two
Jun 7, 2021Proving Our Faith Part TwoIn the second pat of his "Proving our Faith" series, Chatman talks about being careful that as we seek to prove our faith, we don't fall into either the ditch of being a "works" only Christian or a "faith" only Christian. we should instead marry our faith and our works in wisdom through loving God and loving people.
- May 30, 2021Remember the Plan
- May 26, 2021Proving Our Faith Part One
May 26, 2021Proving Our Faith Part OneIn the first part of Proving our Faith, Chatman brings up the essential part that works plays in our relationship with God, along with his grace. Sharing out of James 2, Chatman reveals that our righteousness is made complete by the actions of what we believe.
- May 24, 2021The Good Samaritan
- May 22, 2021Dealing With Doubt
May 22, 2021Dealing With DoubtAshley Ellison addresses the topic of dealing with doubt, taking a look at Thomas in John chapter 20. Doubt is inevitable, but how we deal with that doubt is incredibly important. We must choose to believe when doubts arise, making the choice to build up our faith and stand on the Word.
- May 17, 2021Cut The Rope
May 17, 2021Cut The RopeIn Chatman's message Cut the Rope, he tells the story of Elisha Otis who invented the safety elevator. Only by displaying his faith in his design, was he able to win over people to trust its capabilities. In our own lives, Chatman encourages us to "cut the rope" that is holding us back.
- May 13, 2021Decisions, Decisions
May 13, 2021Decisions, DecisionsOur blessings and problems in life often come from the decisions we make. The foundation for a right decision cannot be made without consulting God. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.". When we go to the word, it illuminates the path.
- Aug 19, 2019Strong and Courageous
Aug 19, 2019Strong and CourageousAshley Ellison shared a message from Joshua chapter one, encouraging believers to be strong and courageous. What happens in the life of a believer directly effects the lives of those around them. Throughout Scripture, we see the repeated challenge to be strong and courageous. We also can live victoriously, if we apply these Biblical principles to our lives.