Dec 8, 2021

How to Identify Your Flesh
It is important to identify the places in our lives, where we are living in the flesh. Melanie encourages us to identify those places in our lives, and address those areas. Doing this will allow us to function with a heart of thankfulness and draw nearer to God.
- Dec 8, 2021How to Identify Your Flesh
Dec 8, 2021How to Identify Your FleshIt is important to identify the places in our lives, where we are living in the flesh. Melanie encourages us to identify those places in our lives, and address those areas. Doing this will allow us to function with a heart of thankfulness and draw nearer to God.
- Dec 5, 2021Jesus King of Kings
Dec 5, 2021Jesus King of KingsChristmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The heart of the Christmas message is Jesus, the King of Kings is born! King Herod rejected Jesus as King and tried to have him killed. (Matthew chapter 2) For Jesus to be King of our lives, we must understand the importance of loyalty, submission and service to Him. Jesus being born in a manger was the start of a kingdom of us living for him 2,000 years later.
- Dec 1, 2021Keep Walking
- Nov 28, 2021Leaving LoDebar
Nov 28, 2021Leaving LoDebarIn II Kings chapter 9, we see that David called for Mephibosheth, Jonathan's grandson, to honor his friendship with Jonathan. Mephibosheth left the land of LoDebar and was ushered into the presence of the King. The meaning of the word LoDebar is "valley of regret" or "silent sorrow". Everyone else saw Mephibosheth in that valley, but God saw him at the King's table.
- Nov 22, 2021Appreciate
- Nov 17, 2021Complaining
- Nov 14, 2021Aiming Children
Nov 14, 2021Aiming ChildrenChildren need to be "aimed" in the direction that they should go with discipline, instruction and blessing. Every child needs training. When discipline is necessary, the Christian parent should not give up, but rather bring the necessary correction and aim them correctly. Good parenting includes partnering with God, and the fruit will follow.
- Nov 10, 2021Play it Safe or Take the Risk Part Two
- Nov 7, 2021Deep Roots
Nov 7, 2021Deep RootsIn his message "Deep Roots", Paul Kern teaches from John 15:5. If we are a follower of Christ, our destiny and calling is to be fruitful. We must develop deep roots, to have a foundation that can support the fruit that we will one day produce. Having the necessary roots, means that we must submit to the process of development in our lives, so that we will one day produce fruit that remains.
- Nov 3, 2021Play it Safe or Take the Risk
- Oct 31, 2021Get Them to Jesus
Oct 31, 2021Get Them to JesusIn Luke 18:16 Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them...". Jesus called for the children. We must be mindful of the importance of getting our children to Jesus. There is an intentional enemy trying to keep young people from Jesus. Our society is trying to stop the children from getting to Jesus. Parents must 1) Get their kids to Jesus 2) Know that their children are in relationship with God 3. Remove the "stop" 4) Be aware of the areas they are in where they are tempted to sin.
- Oct 27, 2021The Word
- Oct 24, 2021Amazing Grace
Oct 24, 2021Amazing GraceGrace is the free and unmerited favor of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. Grace changes us. It doesn't excuse us. We can't be moved into a place of spiritual maturity without walking through grace. The fruit of grace is that it brings salvation and the blessings of God. As we extend that grace to others, we will see the opportunity for restored relationships. It is important to give grace and share one another's burdens. As we more fully understand this concept, we can apply it to our lives and administer it into the lives of others.
- Oct 20, 2021Know You Can’t
- Oct 17, 2021Receiving Forgiveness
- Oct 13, 2021Expectation / Words Part Two
- Oct 10, 2021Judgment of the Righteous – Judgment of the Wicked Part Two
Oct 10, 2021Judgment of the Righteous – Judgment of the Wicked Part TwoAs Christians, we need to have a faith-based response to the end times. Luke 17:26 says, "When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah's day." God provided a way of escape for Noah. We do not need to be fear filled, because God will provide a way of escape for His people. We need to live pragmatically in the natural, and live ready for Him to return in the supernatural.
- Oct 6, 2021Expectations / Words
Oct 6, 2021Expectations / WordsPastor Ashley addresses the power of the tongue in his message, "Expectations / Words". Our actions follow our expectations. We must choose our words wisely, as "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Proverbs 18:21.
- Oct 3, 2021Judgment of the Righteous-Judgment of the Wicked
Oct 3, 2021Judgment of the Righteous-Judgment of the WickedPastor Ashley encourages the believer not to be fearful, regarding events going on in our world. We need to have a faith-based response. Judgment is coming, but just as Noah was given a place of safety, the righteous will be given a way of escape when the judgment of the wicked takes place. God never judges the righteous with the wicked.
- Sep 29, 2021Guard Your Heart Part Two
- Sep 26, 2021Guard Your Heart
Sep 26, 2021Guard Your HeartIn his message, "Guard Your Heart", Chatman Laxton dives into the strategic role our hearts play in the battle plan that God has for us and that the devil has against us. Since "Everything we do flows from it" as Proverbs says, we need to take the condition of our heart with the utmost seriousness.
- Sep 22, 2021Fearfully and Wonderfully
- Sep 19, 2021The Wait
- Sep 15, 2021Stay Alert
- Sep 13, 2021The Mission
Sep 13, 2021The MissionIn his message, "The Mission", David Hilton encourages believers to be obedient to the mission that God has called us to. He created man in his image, gave him a mandate to be fruitful and multiply, and entrusted him with the mission of advancing God's kingdom. It is our mission to be like Christ, so that people see Jesus in us.