May 5, 2019
The Separation of the Righteous and the Wicked Pt.2
Posted by Ashley Ellison
Series: Making Disciples
For those who are saved there is a way of escape from God's judgement on the wicked. Pastor Ashley expounds on Scriptures from Revelation and Exodus by teaching us that we are to live in the physical as if God will come back years from now, and live in the spiritual as if He will come today.
- May 5, 2019The Separation of the Righteous and the Wicked Pt.2
May 5, 2019The Separation of the Righteous and the Wicked Pt.2Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesFor those who are saved there is a way of escape from God's judgement on the wicked. Pastor Ashley expounds on Scriptures from Revelation and Exodus by teaching us that we are to live in the physical as if God will come back years from now, and live in the spiritual as if He will come today.
- Apr 28, 2019The Separation of the Righteous and the Wicked
Apr 28, 2019The Separation of the Righteous and the WickedPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesAs the events happening in the world today give us cause for concern, we may ask questions about the End Times. Pastor Ashley helps us understand that when those times come, God will not judge the righteous with the wicked.
- Apr 3, 2019Passionate Faith
Apr 3, 2019Passionate FaithPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesPastor Adam continues this series with "Passionate Faith". As Christians, our passion shines the brightest when we step out in faith. You will be encouraged by this fresh look at passion!
- Mar 31, 2019Life Pt.6
Mar 31, 2019Life Pt.6Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesIn the same way that our physical bodies need food to sustain our physical lives, spiritual nutrition is necessary to sustain spiritual lives. Pastor Ashley shows us what that spiritual "food" should consist of... the Word of God, fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit, and a Godly environment where Godly counsel is abounding.
- Mar 27, 2019Passion Pt.5
Mar 27, 2019Passion Pt.5Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesPastor Ashley gives us practical steps to help us rid ourselves of "pet" sins. Guilt from "pet" sins robs us of our passion because we cannot feel guilt and enthusiasm at the same time. We must renew our attitudes, keep our motives holy, and keep our consciences clean to continue to grow our passion for God and effectively influence the world around us.
- Mar 24, 2019Life Pt.5
Mar 24, 2019Life Pt.5Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesHuman beings are the only living things that God breathed his own breath into. Every day we breathe in and breathe out, take in and release. What we take in is what nourishes us. Pastor Ashley teaches us from Ephesians 3 that God is "externally concerned, but inwardly focused," longing to be the source of strength and power in our lives.
- Mar 20, 2019Passion Pt.4
Mar 20, 2019Passion Pt.4Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesThe alabaster jar with the expensive perfume that is spoken of in Mark 14:3 is estimated to be worth $30,000-$50,000 today. Why? Her outward behavior reflected her inward passion for Christ. Pastor Ashley teaches that we become motivated when we associate with passionate people, and we become motivators when we express our passion for God passionately.
- Mar 6, 2019Passion Pt.2
- Mar 3, 2019Life Pt. 2
Mar 3, 2019Life Pt. 2Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesTwo of the signs of life are movement and growth. Pastor Ashley shows us that growth is the result of movement and gives us 4 specific ways to determine if we are growing spiritually.
- Feb 27, 2019Passion
Feb 27, 2019PassionPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesAs Christians, we have and will face the hardships of this fallen world, but we cannot lose our passion for Christ. We must continue to surrender to prayer and praise so that our passion becomes infectious to the world around us.
- Feb 24, 2019Life
Feb 24, 2019LifePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesDeath is defined as the absence of life. As Christians, we are called to an abundant life. Pastor Ashley teaches us to recognize things in our lives that need to die and how to recognize areas where there are signs of life."
- Feb 20, 2019Prayer Pt. 2
Feb 20, 2019Prayer Pt. 2Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: PrayerThrough prayer, we can invoke Heaven's influence in our earthly affairs. Pastor Ashley gives us practical tips for partnering and co-laboring with God in this final teaching in our series on prayer. fa
- Feb 13, 2019Prayer
Feb 13, 2019PrayerPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesAre your prayers powerful and effective? Are you experiencing breakthrough in your prayer life? Pastor Ashley shows us in James 5:16 that power in our lives is a product of perseverance in prayer.
- Feb 10, 2019His Will and Your Choice
Feb 10, 2019His Will and Your ChoicePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesCulturally, we have more choices to make than any other generation before us. Pastor Ashley teaches us how to approach all these choices in light of Matthew 6:31 which instructs us to seek God first in everything.
- Feb 6, 2019Ask. Seek. Knock.
Feb 6, 2019Ask. Seek. Knock.Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesMatthew 7:7-8 tells us to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK. Pastor Ashley teaches us that "prayer initiates a legal matter in the courts of Heaven," and is the avenue for asking, seeking, and knocking.
- Feb 3, 2019It’s Not THAT Hard
Feb 3, 2019It’s Not THAT HardPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesPastor Ashley Ellison shows us from Matthew 7:13-14 that while life can be difficult, it doesn't have to be hard. The path for the Christian is narrow, but clearly defined in the Word of God.
- Jan 30, 2019Share Life
Jan 30, 2019Share LifePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesAdam Jones addresses the questions many of us have concerning the Great Commission: Who do I disciple? Am I worthy? What do I share?
- Jan 28, 2019Making Disciples
Jan 28, 2019Making DisciplesPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesPastor Ashley expounds on CMC's vision of Making Disciples, by teaching us to pursue God, put to death sinful behavior, live out our faith for the world to see, and be a benefit to the Kingdom of God.
- Jan 23, 2019Power of Your Testimony
Jan 23, 2019Power of Your TestimonyPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesPastor Ashley Ellison teaches us about the power of our testimony using the Apostle Paul's example of finding common ground with everyone.
- Jan 16, 2019Making Disciples
Jan 16, 2019Making DisciplesPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesBen Garbee shares his personal testimony of applying Biblical principles in his finances and seeing God's faithfulness even through tragic circumstances. Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches us about the power of our testimony.
- Jan 6, 2019Making Disciples
- Jan 2, 2019Resolutions
- Dec 23, 2018Emmanuel
- Dec 19, 2018Wise Men Still Seek Him
- Dec 9, 2018He Is Who He Says He Is