May 6, 2021

Your Breakthrough
Posted by Melanie Bertoglio
Mark two tells the story of a paralyzed man, whose friends pushed through the crowd to get him to Jesus. The paralyzed man surrounded himself with men of faith, who broke the barriers before them and pressed through to get to Jesus. Your breakthrough comes by getting to Jesus.
- May 6, 2021Your Breakthrough
May 6, 2021Your BreakthroughPosted by Melanie BertoglioMark two tells the story of a paralyzed man, whose friends pushed through the crowd to get him to Jesus. The paralyzed man surrounded himself with men of faith, who broke the barriers before them and pressed through to get to Jesus. Your breakthrough comes by getting to Jesus.
- Apr 28, 2021Destroying Strongholds
Apr 28, 2021Destroying StrongholdsPosted by Melanie Bertoglio2 Corinthians 10: 3 tells us that the weapons we have as Christians are mighty in God for the complete destruction of strongholds. Strongholds are unholy filters through which our thoughts pass that are based on satanic lies, generational mindsets, and human woundings. But praise be to God that He has given us the weaponry needed to attack the enemy behind those strongholds and eradicate them from our lives.
- Apr 22, 2021Biblical Friendship
Apr 22, 2021Biblical FriendshipPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message Biblical Friendship, Ashley Ellison explains that it is not an accident that you have friends in your life. It is a God appointment. He urges us to be intentional in our friendships, and examine who we are investing in. True friends don't focus on what they're getting. They focus on what they're giving.
- Apr 19, 2021Iron Sharpens Iron
Apr 19, 2021Iron Sharpens IronPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message, Iron Sharpens Iron, drawn from Proverbs 27:17, Ashley Ellison reminds us that there is value in Biblical friendship. We are made unique by our Creator, and with the ability to sharpen each other. He challenges us to examine if the friends we are surrounding ourselves with are sharpening us for the Kingdom of God or dulling us for the Kingdom of God. Finally, he challenges us to examine if we personally are the kind of friend God has called us to be.
- Apr 15, 2021Essential: Deep Roots
Apr 15, 2021Essential: Deep RootsPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his message of Essential: Deep Roots, Chatman Laxton urges us to turn our focus off of what we produce and turn our attention to what allows us the ability to produce in the first place. Being deeply rooted in the Word will allow us to produce longer and fulfill all of what God would have for us.
- Apr 11, 2021Wash Your Mind With The Word
Apr 11, 2021Wash Your Mind With The WordPosted by Ashley EllisonMany Christians today are struggling with their faith and are prone to question God's goodness and faithfulness after their initial salvation experience. Pastor Ashley Ellison reminds us of the importance of daily washing our minds with God's Word, thereby growing our faith and confidence in our relationship with God Himself.
- Apr 7, 2021Proverbs Part 9
Apr 7, 2021Proverbs Part 9Posted by Chatman LaxtonIn the ninth part of our Proverbs series, Chatman Laxton brings the message of the path of wisdom to a culmination, reminding us of the protection, direction, and perfection that the Lord has for us along that path.
- Mar 31, 2021Proverbs Part 8
Mar 31, 2021Proverbs Part 8Posted by Chatman LaxtonIn the 8th part of our Proverbs study, Chatman focuses on the importance of our spiritual maturity as we continue down the path that wisdom has for us. Maturity in Spirit, is essential if we are to ever grow in the Lord. Without being spiritually mature, we will never be able to fully grasp ahold of the truths that God has for us, instead we will always stay locked in an undeveloped state. Which limits our ability to do what God would have us to do.
- Mar 28, 2021The Big Picture Part 3
Mar 28, 2021The Big Picture Part 3Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the last part of his Big Picture series, Pastor Ashley teaches about the importance of every part of the body of Christ operating at the fullest compacity that it can. in order for the body of Christ to accomplish the will of God. From Ephesians 4:16 Pastor Ashley calls the church to see the part they play as bigger than themselves, while at the same time, pursuing the part they play in Godly excellence.
- Mar 24, 2021Where You Are Part 2
Mar 24, 2021Where You Are Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonWhat is kind of fruit are you producing? If we aren't producing the right kind of fruit, or if we aren't producing fruit period, we may want to look at where we are allowing ourselves to be planted. Where are we allowing ourselves to be watered? Because God is the only source that will allow for our lives to always be full of live. In this second part of Pastor's Where You Are message, we take a look at what our live is producing as a great indicator towards an answer to these questions.
- Mar 21, 2021The Big Picture Part 2
Mar 21, 2021The Big Picture Part 2Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the second part of The Big Picture, Pastor Ashley takes a deeper look into the importance of the big picture that only comes by hearing from the Lord. We cant be trying to smash pieces from other puzzles into the one that God has you working on. We need to work hard at finding our position in the picture and stop trying to be like everyone else.
- Mar 17, 2021Where You Are Part 1
Mar 17, 2021Where You Are Part 1Posted by Ashley EllisonWhere are you? Pastor Ashley highlights three primary types of people, Believers, Lost, and Believers who have fallen away. Pastor then talks about the category you find yourself in, is due to where we have planted ourselves, be it Sin or be it the Spirit. We can look at this message and hear an encouragement no matter where we find ourselves lest we be deceived.
- Mar 14, 2021The Big Picture Part 1
Mar 14, 2021The Big Picture Part 1Posted by Ashley EllisonIn the first part of The Big Picture, Pastor Ashley talks about the importance for us all to grab hold of the vision that God gives us. Without that " big picture" we will keep banging our heads on the wall trying to fit in where we don't go. As Christians trying to find our place in our church, we need to make sure that we aren't trying to bring a different picture to what God is already trying to get finished with the pieces that He's got for us then. Once we finish the work he starts us in, we grow and our vision can grow, but we cant get impatient. We must keep the "big picture" on our minds and in our hearts.
- Mar 10, 2021Proverbs Part 7
Mar 10, 2021Proverbs Part 7Posted by Chatman LaxtonIn the 7th Part of our Proverbs study, Chatman Laxton shows us how on the path of wisdom, God gives direction for our lives. In his message Chatman shows us how wisdom is really easy to understand, yet its much harder to follow when it calls us to fix things in our life that keep us from struggling. However, if we can submit to the change that God wants to do in our life through the direction he gives through his commands and his insight, we will go much deeper in our relationship.
- Mar 7, 2021Essential : True Worship Part 2
Mar 7, 2021Essential : True Worship Part 2Posted by Melanie BertoglioIn the second part of her True Worship message, Melanie Bertoglio takes us deeper into our motives behind our worship. Melanie talks about how true worship is essential to the body of Christ, just as much as any other part that we are obedient to. However, we must constantly check ourselves to make sure that our worship is truly for God, because if we are getting caught up in the things surrounding our worship more than who we are worshipping, we cant get caught up "doing Christian things" the devil's way.
- Mar 3, 2021Proverbs Part 6
Mar 3, 2021Proverbs Part 6Posted by Chatman LaxtonIn the 6th Part of our study of Proverbs, Chatman sheds to light the idea that we were created for the path that wisdom calls us to. In fact its the path of wisdom that was the first meeting place where God and Adam would convene on in the garden, building there relationship up. And since the fall, God has been calling us back, out of the bushes and back onto the path with Him. Starting in Proverbs 2, Chatman begins to show us that the path of wisdom holds in store for us protection and provision, which allows us to continue down the path into deeper things.
- Feb 28, 2021Essential : True Worship Part 1
Feb 28, 2021Essential : True Worship Part 1Posted by Melanie BertoglioDoes He get your praise? In a culture of personalization, likes and dislikes, Melanie Bertoglio asks this pertinent question boldly to the church. Do we spend more time criticizing the atmosphere around our worship time, than actually in the presence of God? Melanie draws out of scripture that we are called to worship God, and He deserves our praise. Rebelling against this, lines us up with the Deceiver, Lucifer, who sought to steal the honor and praise that only belongs to God.
- Feb 24, 2021Proverbs Part 5
Feb 24, 2021Proverbs Part 5Posted by Chatman LaxtonIn the 5th part of the Proverbs series, Chatman brings a verse by verse comparison of the way Wisdom and Folly call us in chapter 9. As we see in the chapter, Wisdom and Folly have very different plans for us, through what they call us to. Our understanding of Folly's plan for our life(which is destruction) will hopefully make us think twice before we take the bait.
- Feb 21, 2021Press On
Feb 21, 2021Press OnPosted by Ashley EllisonIn Philippians 3, Paul encouraged the church of the day to "press on toward the goal in order to obtain the prize," which was before them. In what amounted to crazy times with persecution of believers where false teachers who abounded in plenty were preying on the desperate, Paul called them to persevere after the truth! Pastor Ashley brings the same timely word for us as he challenges us, that even in the face of opposition we must not focus on what is going around us, rather we should "Press On" towards what is before us.
- Feb 14, 2021Don’t Rob God
Feb 14, 2021Don’t Rob GodPosted by Ashley EllisonFrom Malachi 3, Pastor Ashley teaches the church what God means when He commands us to not rob Him. God isn't concerned with running out of gold for the streets of heaven, rather he doesn't want us to rob Him of an opportunity to be bless from Him because of our obedience! God isn't concerned with our tithe because has missing out on something, its because of what it will unlock in our lives by being obedient, that he encourages us to "test Him in this."
- Feb 7, 2021Remember
Feb 7, 2021RememberPosted by Ashley EllisonIn his sermon, Remember, Pastor Ashley asks us, "What symbols do you have in life that cause you to remember a moment or a season of your life?" When preparing to partake of communion, we understand the imperative to examine ourselves and to remember Christ and His sacrifice. We understand that the bread and juice represent the body and the blood of Jesus. Pastor Ashley points out the additional imperative from John 6:56 to abide, which means (in the Greek) to "remain and continue to remain" connected to Jesus in everyday life, not just on Sundays and Wednesdays.
- Feb 3, 2021Proverbs Part 4
Feb 3, 2021Proverbs Part 4Posted by Ashley EllisonIn Part 4 of our series on Proverbs, Pastor Ashley shows us from Chapter 9 that wisdom dictates the quality of the life we will lead. Wisdom calls to us and should be our foundation. Scorning wisdom only brings suffering.
- Jan 31, 2021Essential: Indispensable
Jan 31, 2021Essential: IndispensablePosted by Ashley EllisonIn today's culture of dispensable technology, Pastor Ashley speaks to the wisdom of 1st Thessalonians 5:21 which tells us to ," Hold on to what is good." From this passage, Pastor shows us how essential it is for the church to stop and take a look at the things that we are "throwing away". If we want to continue to grow in the things of the Lord ,then we will have to start honoring the good things that God is placing in our lives.
- Jan 27, 2021Proverbs Part 3
Jan 27, 2021Proverbs Part 3Posted by Chatman LaxtonIn the third part of our Proverbs study, Chatman Laxton brings in the idea that wisdom is a direct reflection of Christ in the New Testament. By looking through the lens of 1 Corinthians 1:30, and specifically the part that says "Jesus Christ has become our wisdom," we can have a deeper understanding of how important the wisdom in Proverbs is for us. God fully intended His people to be wise, and as His people, we should be "waiting at wisdom's doorpost" with expectation.
- Jan 24, 2021Essential: Excellence
Jan 24, 2021Essential: ExcellencePosted by Chatman LaxtonIn his message of "Essential: Excellence'', Chatman conveys the importance of Christians operating at the highest level. Through the message of Cain and Abel, Chatman brings to light that the favor Cain so desired could've been his had he only pursued excellence thoroughly. In our lives it's important to the kingdom that we operate in excellence or else we soon will be facing disasters of our own.