Oct 30, 2019

Are You Scared? Pt.2
Posted by Ashley Ellison
Pastor Ashley Ellison gives great insight on being aware of the demonic realm around us. We are often times intrigued and entertained by demonic spirits that we should be rejecting. He gives key points on recognizing the powers of darkness around us, so that we might not let them into our lives through fear and ignorance.
- Oct 30, 2019Are You Scared? Pt.2
Oct 30, 2019Are You Scared? Pt.2Posted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison gives great insight on being aware of the demonic realm around us. We are often times intrigued and entertained by demonic spirits that we should be rejecting. He gives key points on recognizing the powers of darkness around us, so that we might not let them into our lives through fear and ignorance.
- Oct 27, 2019Train for Godliness
Oct 27, 2019Train for GodlinessPosted by Ashley EllisonWade Ford teaches us to practice prayer and memorize Scripture in order to train ourselves for Godliness. He uses 1 Timothy 4:7 which teaches us that Godliness benefits us in every area of life and in the life to come.
- Oct 23, 2019Are You Scared?
Oct 23, 2019Are You Scared?Posted by Ashley EllisonIn a culture that cultivates and glorifies fear through various modes of entertainment, Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches that fret and worry are byproducts of a disabling, enslaving fear that produces only negative results. He encourages us to "choose life" in our entertainment choices and live free from worry and fret.
- Oct 20, 2019Choose Today
Oct 20, 2019Choose TodayPosted by Ashley EllisonWe are beings that were created to worship something/someone. We are either serving the one true God or we are turning other things in our lives into "gods." Pastor Ashley Ellison uses Joshua 24:15 to show us that we must "Choose Today" whom we will serve.
- Oct 16, 2019Get the Blessing
Oct 16, 2019Get the BlessingPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison gave 3 vital points helping us obtain the blessing that the Lord has in store for us. Using the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis, Pastor Ashley shows us the right way to "Get the Blessing" from God.
- Oct 13, 2019Wholehearted
Oct 13, 2019WholeheartedPosted by Ashley EllisonIn our walks with the Lord we have to give ourselves to Him wholeheartedly. In this podcast Pastor Ashley Ellison talks about Caleb in the book of Joshua, how he was repeatedly pointed out for following after God with his whole heart. Caleb was blessed because of that, and we can be too!
- Sep 23, 2019Fall Into Faith 2019 Session 4
Sep 23, 2019Fall Into Faith 2019 Session 4Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Fall Into Faith 2019Session 4 of Fall Into Faith 2019.
- Sep 23, 2019Fall Into Faith 2019 Session 2
Sep 23, 2019Fall Into Faith 2019 Session 2Posted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Fall Into Faith 2019Session 2 of Fall Into Faith 2019.
- Sep 8, 2019Spiritual Vision
Sep 8, 2019Spiritual VisionPosted by Ashley EllisonAre you committed to the battle you are facing, or are you committed to the plan and promises of God? What is more important...conquering a problem or carrying out the plan? Pastor Ashley gives us 3 keys to improving our "spiritual" eyesight so that we see the greater significance of spiritual vision.
- Sep 1, 2019Preparing for Victory
Sep 1, 2019Preparing for VictoryPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley show us from Joshua 4 how to prepare for victory by being motivated by what God has already done, by knowing that some things in our lives must be cut away, and by understanding that we must be more committed to the future than the past.
- Aug 28, 2019Consecrate
Aug 28, 2019ConsecratePosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley talks about the importance of consecration in the lives of Christians and the role God can play in our lives if we choose to live a life set apart for His use.
- Aug 25, 2019Strong and Courageous Part 2
- Jul 28, 2019Tools for the Victory
Jul 28, 2019Tools for the VictoryPosted by Ashley EllisonIn 1 Samuel 13, the Israelites had no swords or spears as they went into battle. Pastor Ashley Ellison shows us that God has given us tools (weapons) for victory in life over the attack of the enemy. Satan has no power, only trickery, and God has given us the needed weapons needed to defeat him every single time he attacks.
- Jul 21, 2019His Way
Jul 21, 2019His WayPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison teaches from 1 Samuel about King Saul's failure to submit to the will of God and the consequences that followed. To live under the protection, promises, and provision of God, we must have the will of God as our top priority. We must submit our will to God's will, recognize that His ideas are always best, and take responsibility for our own sins.
- Jul 14, 2019Something Better pt.2
Jul 14, 2019Something Better pt.2Posted by Ashley EllisonIs change a nasty word or a welcome word? In part 2 of Pastor Ashley's message "Something Better," he challenges us to consider our approach to change. In Judges 7, God instructs Gideon to do something that simply doesn't make sense by sending the majority of his warriors home just before he heads in to battle. Pastor Ashley reminds us it's not about how many people are around you; it's about how many God-appointed people you have around you.
- Jul 11, 2019Romans Part 1
Jul 11, 2019Romans Part 1Posted by Ashley EllisonAdam Jones starts us on our journey to understanding the Book of Romans. He lays the groundwork for us to understand why Paul wrote it, to whom he wrote it, and the context in which he wrote it. He also shares Paul's motivation to show us our need for salvation in Chapters 1-3.
- Jul 7, 2019Something Better
Jul 7, 2019Something BetterPosted by Ashley EllisonGod doesn't change, but his methods do. We need to know how to categorize things that need to change, things that are going to change, and things that should never change. Pastor Ashley teaches from Isaiah 43:19 that better is coming if we don't limit God to only moving in the same way that we have experienced Him in the past. God is innovative and always doing "something new."
- Jun 30, 2019Independence Day
Jun 30, 2019Independence DayPosted by Ashley EllisonAmerica was settled by people looking for religious freedom who had a strong desire to be pleasing to God. Pastor Ashley teaches us from Psalm 33 why it is important for Christians to return to those ideals. He shows us how the American Revolution followed the Great Awakening, and he reminds us that history repeats itself and that Christians can still make a difference.
- Jun 9, 2019A Little Oil
Jun 9, 2019A Little OilPosted by Ashley EllisonGod desires to fill the empty areas of our lives with Himself. Pastor Ashley shows us how God multiplies what we already have when we follow His directions and fills us with His spirit through our active participation in the process.
- Jun 5, 2019It’s a Great Day
- May 26, 2019Alters
- May 20, 2019Choices
- May 15, 2019Seeking and Seeing Jesus
May 15, 2019Seeking and Seeing JesusPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesPastor Adam Jones brings a Word about unity in the Church. We can achieve this unity by seeing Jesus in others and practicing these six basic principles outlined in the message.
- May 12, 2019Mothers Who Love
May 12, 2019Mothers Who LovePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesIn Sunday's message, Pastor Ashley spoke on the powerful influence a Mother's genuine faith can have on her children. He encouraged Moms to instill respect for Scripture, authentic faith, and a desire to minister in the hearts of her children.
- May 8, 2019Due Season
May 8, 2019Due SeasonPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: Making DisciplesPastor Ashley brings a word of encouragement, stating that if we have been faithful to follow God's ways and serve Him, we will reap a harvest. It is Due Season. It is time.